I had another dream the following night and it goes like this;
We were camping in the middle of nowhere, a forest? a vacant place where no one resides? My aunt Alice and aunt Sarie were there in my dream. And three more 2 tall guys and another woman that I didn't recognise in my waking up but in my dreams, I knew them, they were close friends.
My two aunts and the other guy went away to look for something, will it be food, fruits vegetables, whatever they might find in that huge forest! While me and my other two company remains in our camping area fixing up the place.
A couple of hour later, my aunts and the guy returned with so much goods with them. There were Santol fruits so big and still hanging the suppose branches but the branches looks like a flat thing leather. We know its nice and can be expensive. My aunt alice gave me one big branch with 5 pieces of huge santol fruit in it. I can say it was the best. But I certainly knew they have more in the sacks. They gave aways but there are others who paid with money in return to the goods given.
But before the day ended, a group of strong men (like Gladiators) with their horses came and look for them who went out and stole their fruit. My aunts in fear surrendered directly and showed so sorry for what they have done for they do not know it was forbidden. But the twist was, they pointed me as one of them as well and handed me the money they received from other people. They were so scared. I did not deny as well and explained well to the men our innocence and that we just saw it in the forest and thought know one owns it. I handed to them the money we received and returned the fruits that was left in our hands. And they spare our lives and left. Then I woke up!
I still did not understand what that dream tells me. I just want to write it here so I could not forget it!
Any one can share their wisdom about it <3 p="">
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