I was once in that kind of situation, I was suffering a hard day everyday right the time I must wake up! I had a heavy heart even just thinking of my day and my prayers were for the Lord to sustain me on the days ahead!
Then One day when I woke up and stretch out my arms then start praying as I do in my morning routine, I began to change my kind of prayers! I started thanking God for the things that I thought it was okay on that time, like, for my breath, for the rest and a few hours sleep I had in the night, for my husband, for my kids, for the roof in my head to keep us warm in the night and when I began to innumerate, I realised there were so much more to be grateful for, while I also felt there were also so much hardship in this world. And it only takes one part in your life in testing to forget these great major things we have, that worth of thanksgiving!
From that time on, I continued innumerating the things I have to thank for, then it became more and more that I couldn't count anymore until I realised that even those hardships and unwelcome happenings in my life I already learned to thank about it knowing it has a great part for my purpose!
If right now, you are in a situation that the world call it as 'bad' and 'sad', try to being thankful about it! Try to lift up the things -you might find it only few that are okay in your life, start there! Then you will experience the magic of gratefulness!