My first year here in Sweden was so depressing. Everything was different from what I used to be:( You might think, it was just homesick or adjustments, which everyone who's away from home experienced! Well..it can be. But it was more than that. ' This is not what i should be or at least not that I expected! I began to feel so useless and dull! I cant forget my husbands tears because he was worried and didn't know what to do more for me. In fairness he did all what he could but I was acting like stupid. But no one knows about that struggles aside from him. All they knew and see in me was a woman who own the world's smile:) , an encourager to others and the life of every gatherings. But inside of me the battle was so strong.
Until one day I received a text message from a friend in Philippines, it was a greetings and ends with the following words; 'GROW WHERE YOU ARE PLANTED'. I just read it once but cant get rid away from my thoughts anymore. It echoes at the back of my mind with a challenge behind those words. then I started looking widely around me and realized that even plants here grows beautifully where they planted. For example.. the orchids, I used to know that they lived best in a certain special wood ( at least in Philippines it is) but here in Sweden they just put in a pot and still give flowers so beautifully. So I realized its not where its planted but on how it was taken care of. There was a big twist on my life that day!
Every chapter in our lives should be interesting and growing. It might sometimes don't seems good in some way or another but lets try to look at the positive view on it. In some situations everything might fall into failure but remember that behind it must be a great success! In everything try to find the positive side even how tiny it might be. It is not the thing or the situation that matters but it is how you look and react on that certain things or situation that counts most.
I would like to end this with a story my daughter love to watch over and over again, and it blesses me so much too. Its about the 5puppies that fall into a place which they don't suppose to be... the Iceland Alaska. They were so special dogs in their different owners way back home. But here their kind is not so strong they are just common dogs. There are special kind of dogs that is more important and useful here. But there's one boy who live here that own one ice dog and all he wants to do is to join the traditional race contest but it needs 6dogs so he is praying for an impossible prayer to have 5more dogs so he can be in the race. To make the story short, that 5puppies became the answer and they won the race!
Our lives sometimes have to be different for the sake of others! All we have to do is to believe that everything has its purpose. Until we found out where and what we really meant to be!