I can say, destiny brings me home. So even if how hard it might seems, I learned so fast and acquire informations and friends from different bloggers and blogs. This blog Insights was my first blog and as the title tells ; its purely my humble thoughts and my honest insights on everything were all I had in mind the time I started year 2008. I never thought there are more to think about and I can do.
Blogging is my way out of stress and pressures, unspoken words, and a great help on my writing ability or shall I say it fills my love in writing. And so I am joining the Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs 2011 Writing Project to express my gratitude to those blogs and bloggers that helped me consciously and unconsciously in becoming a good blogger. I appreciate this idea of Ms. Janette Toral, who started this project so fantastic!

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My Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs are the following:
1. http://www.momwrites.com/
This mommy writer of this blog influenced me a lot and to many bloggers I know. This blog expresses wonderful thoughts and positive outlook in life on things and situation even how blurd it seems.
2. http://www.notepadcorner.com/
I love the ideas and simple thoughts this blog gave me. The blogger is versatile enough in expressing interesting things in our day to day living!
3. http://mommysurvival.info
A touching and an encouraging blogs of a mother surviving the great tests in life! The daily simple tips of motherhood direct from her experiences are so helpful for a mother like me.
4. http://thebloggersjournal.com/
This site helps me the hows and whys in blogging. Tutorial are simple and easy to follow. I really appreciates bloggers who shares their knowledge and am one of the lucky partakers.
5. http://www.levyousa.com/
Oh I love how great ideas the bloggers shares here. When you are down and feels bad?, visit here where your spirit be lifted up!
6. http://www.certifiedfoodies.com/
I simply loves food and I love how the author deliverate and shares their talent in terms of cooking and sharing different kinds of foodies!
7. http://www.mygreenlivingideas.com
I love nature the most. I salute the author of this blog for looking and taking importance on green living which is about our mother nature!
8. http://www.totteringmama.com
She/It speaks about families, parenting, married life how can one snab all informative and useful ideas about light and life!
9. http://pepperrific.com
So exciting reading its blog about single parenting. We can learn and be encouraged by a life seems incomplete but it works well!
10. http://www.mypaintedlips.com/
I live with lipsticks in my pocket because I have a pale lips. I like this idea here about things that helps beautify our lips! I was actually thinking about this title before but I found out its here already!The blogger or writer has a fantastic ideas.
You too can join this project by giving your 10 nominees and even win $100. Check more!