30 Apr 2011
New Sprout! New life!
28 Apr 2011
Free Domain..wink*

27 Apr 2011
A loving Mama!

My mother is a tough woman even of the fact that she was sickly. It seemed all horrible sickness, name it and she HAD it. She's been through life but now remains strong and her secret is that she put her trust in God. She love her children so much and selflessly. She's a fruit of a broken family, the reason she already started working in an early age. Did not have the chance to go to college even of her being so smart and versatile, yes because of the inevitable circumstances in her life. But then made all her children graduated their degree.
She experienced death when she deliver our youngest brother. But God answered her plea and gave her the second chance. ( you can read the full story HERE and her story on what happened HERE).
For all that had happened, when she was given a gift of life it showered to the whole family because she did what he promised that she will bring her whole family in knowing HIM. HE who was and is a giver of life. And one thing that made me look up to her is the fact that during those times when she had a personal encounter with God and asked her what she want??? She answered; "PLEASE,BLESS MY CHILDREN". She had many sickness that was going on in her body, she's been in poverty and had a hard poor life almost all her life, yet she didn't asked about it, her situation, I mean if she's selfish she could have asked.."heal me from all this sickness physically and financially" right??

But she asked the right thing that made God happy and pleased about her hearts desires. God indeed blessed her children to the extent that even healed her sickness. And now live life abundantly. Because God let her children see also her great love to them (us).
25 Apr 2011
Ladies in Black!

I am very proud and lucky that I have also families here in this strange land. We can always be there for each other and cling to one another when in need. We make sure that we meet each other every now and then, as often as possible. So life here would be easier and happier:)

Have a great week ahead!
23 Apr 2011
Who is that MAN?
- who gave His only one life for me,
-who's love is endless and faithful
-who care for me and my family
- and never leaves us in times of needs
Who is that man...
- who can forgive my sins away
- who's power is everlasting
- and who's mercies endureth forever
- yet, counting me as His child?
Who is that man...
- that can live inside once heart
- that can hear us anytime we call
- that can turn our sadness into joy
- but many turn away their faces from him
I want to know Him more, deep inside my heart!
I want to thank him more, for the great love He extended to us
I want to serve Him more all the days of my life
That Man is JESUS, the king of kings
My only bestfriend
My heavenly father
My all in all
HE's my GOD!!!
21 Apr 2011
CC: How do I annoy him?

18 Apr 2011
Black Chic# 1 - Black pearl Earings
17 Apr 2011
State of the mind!
Last year, they put up this giant roller coaster here in our city proper in Gothenburg. Many of my friends were so excited to ride but many also were afraid. Me in the other hand was undecided. If I look on how big it is and how high we could be in,then my nerve react:) But if I control my mind that its gonna be interesting and challenging to try, then the eagerness to try it is strong. So I said time and situation will tell.
So, yesterday, we spent our family time at the restaurant in the city where that giant wheel so captivating in my daughter's eyes. She ask her dad if we could ride because she's been bagging about it few times already. And since we were already there..so we did. While my daughter was so excited when the father was buying tickets, me in the other was looking on that huge wheel and fixed my mind, that its gonna be alright!
And it was! It was really great and not that scary after all! A beautiful view of the city is all it gave:) Hmm..it's just state of the mind after all..what you think?
13 Apr 2011
CC: Lost in Paris!

Note: its not the hotel that we were looking for?:)
11 Apr 2011
Turning the red sea into a red carpet!
Red sea personify hardships, big problems that are impossible to solve or seems have no solutions. Everyone of us has different 'red seas' that we are facing everyday or we're bearing it for quite a long time now. And like the israelites in Exodus, the crossing of that red sea was beyond their imagination how they can cross it. And if we know the story..it was God's power who intervened and made the sea part and gave a way for the israelites to pass.
In the same way on our problems how small or big they can be, if we let God's perspective in solving and seeing it, those things, those hardships, those red seas can turn into a red carpet, I mean as we know life is special and bright when we're walking on red carpet thus what God wants us to be. All we have to do is put our trust on Him, the maker and the finisher of our faith!
9 Apr 2011
When it rains, it falls!
God is good all the time! He knows what is ahead! Thanks to my advertisers that trust my capabilities to blog their products! GtG!
7 Apr 2011
CC:" In getting ready"

6 Apr 2011
Get Contacts!
I think business cards are very important that every business men or business associations must have. Here in Sweden, almost everyone has business card. Almost everything can be negotiate in phone so it is important to have especially on emergencies and informations and needs. Through this small thing great things can be done. Private and public offices have this as one of the important qualifications on every business operation. Everyone has their own business I believe.Everyone has needs and wants and therefore we need somebody else and to have contacts with them, business card is a good option.
If you need some or want to have it for your own or you have business going on, try this site I just found wherein they do and specialized this kind of stuff. From business cards, postcards and more other costumize items. Check them out! its just amazing how many things they can do in terms of printing and designs. Goodluck and get contact always!

5 Apr 2011
Shoes Change!
Yes, we do change our clothes and shoes depending on the season. So every change of weather we also change shoes. Since I have a school girl and is very meticulous on the things she's wearing and to wear, or shall I say she already demands what she like, so as a mother I must ask or show her if she likes the shoes everytime we are buying her a new one. It could sometimes irritating when they are nagging you what they want specially if their classmates has a new one, they also want to have. I'm glad I found this site where I found many different styles of girl's canvas shoes and they are so pretty, perfect for summer foot wear. My girl can see and select what she wants just at home, really easier for a working mom.
I'm a kind of mother who tend to spoil my children when it comes to buying things for them. I want them to look pretty as can be on new things they can have. It's maybe the result of my childhood frustrations on things I wanted but had no chance having it. What are you waitinmg for? Check it yourselves!
Try to look this informative video. I never knew there's a right way of fitting shoes until I saw this. I commented as tejan35, check it out!
3 Apr 2011
Massage for YOU!
1 Apr 2011
A birthday woman called LULU!
She is a beautiful woman inside out. A mother of the cutest girl Andrea. A wife of a lucky gentleman David. A wonderful friend and I call her Lulu. And most of all she is celebrating her birthday today!! A blessed day for you dear friend. More blessings and I wish you all the best with your whole family. May you'll get every desires of your heart and that you had enjoyed your party:) Godbless!