But then I was so blessed this morning on my little girl's perspective, I mean on how she see things around! She asked me if it's autumn already and so I asked why she asked? And then she said; Look! the leaves are already falling and the trees has it's different colors already. There's red, yellow, pink! And then she added, so beautiful isn't it mamma? And so I just say yes they are indeed beautiful! Then she said, soon it will be winter, like she say it with enthusiasm, finally I can ride my sled again!
I am so proud of her not only that she knows the different kinds of season we have here but also on how she sees things around! She has a positive outlook on every changes that is happening! Yes, why not think like this girl thinks? To see the beauty and how colorful the sorroundings and to enjoy the things we can do times like these, instead of complaining how cold and boring the day is! Have a lovely autumn everyone!