26 Dec 2012
Wishing you all a blissful Christmas!
19 Nov 2012
Apparel uniforms for nurses!
I can't imagine how lively and comfortable they looks. Nurses must be very happy that there are already many alternatives in their kind of uniforms:)
17 Nov 2012
Shopping for designer's clothing!

In my opinion why I still prefer to buy designer's clothes for my children if I have the chance? Its because they usually are unique and there's something on them magical which I think my children deserves. Fred clothing for example, they have simple but unique designs for children wears. What I bought for my children is what I see about them. So why go for less when in my life they are the reasons of everything I do. And I think thats also what other mothers think. As long as your budget is good with it, and you love it, go for it!
10 Nov 2012
Watch Out this KInd of People
One most recent dangerous behaviour I just encountered is a Manipulative person. Have you been manipulated by somebody? How would you know that you are being manipulated? How would we know and determine a manipulative person? Well, I do some research and read some articles about manipulation and would like to share some important points I got.
Common behaviours of Manipulative People: ( taken from SHINE)
1.Buttering You Up: To get their way, manipulators will often make you feel good so that they can then ask you to do something that they want.
_ they seemed to understand you, give good compliments , call you good, kindhearted and a giver. So that when they asked you on something you tend to give what they want because you don't want to prove his/her compliment wrong!
* What you can do? Give their compliments back to them before saying NO.
2. Guilt: The saddest part of this strategy is that the victims of this tactic succumb to the manipulators' demands because they feel they HAVE to, not because they WANT to.
_ The manipulators will try try to put the blame on you or to others and make stories about you have no rights for the certain things and that you have no right to say NO to what they wants because of the certain reasons benefited to them.
* What you can do? Tell them that what they're doing is trying to force you into something you don't feel comfortable with.
3.Broken Record: Probably the most obvious of formats is the broken record tactic. If a person asks you enough or pushes their agenda enough…constantly repeating the question or request over and over again…in slightly different ways.
_ Whew, this is the most obvious you have to watch out then. Their like a broken tape, repeating their stories over and over and you have the tendency to give up not because you want to but because you're annoyed!
*What you can do: Ask the individual what they don't understand about the word "no." Tell them that asking you over and over again isn't going to change anything and that they are inappropriately over-stepping boundaries.
Well then, are you familiar of these behaviours? Are you dealing with people who have exactly these symptoms? Then watch out of these kind of people. If you are already into it, just keep your eyes open and continue to stand your grounds strongly! Let not yourself be a victim of these kind of people who plays good being "the victim", "the innocent" and the "abused" one! Be clever to know these kind of people because their hard to determined.
25 Sept 2012
Change in the other hand, is scary. When we are already use into what we are for a long time and we become comfortable with it, we love to stay and be what it is now. So when a big change is about to come or to happen, even if its for the better it will still make us think and ponder. WE don't know what is ahead of us , what if we fail? what if we don't like it? Many questions playing in our minds . Am I ready for it? am I willing to take the risks?
Many people choose not to and stay contented on what they are and what they have but there lots of people too that embraces change courageously. Well, we are about to make a change . But I think Me and my husband are ready for it. I am scared but doing this together and with God's guidance, I know its gonna be great and for the better! Good day to all!
17 Jun 2012
Happy Father's Day!
Happy Father's day to my dear father. I really miss you Pa. Hope we can go home as we plan it and thats so soon. I know God will provide our needs. See you soo. Love you much!
20 Apr 2012
Ten Virtues of a Woman according to Proverbs!
A Virtuous Woman:
1. Faith - A Virtuous Woman serves God with all of her heart, mind, and soul. She seeks His will for her life and follows His ways. (Proverbs 31: 26, Proverbs 31: 29 – 31, Matthew 22: 37, John 14: 15, Psalm 119: 15
2. Marriage – A Virtuous Woman respects her husband. She does him good all the days of her life. She is trustworthy and a helpmate. (Proverbs 31: 11- 12, Proverbs 31: 23, Proverbs 31: 28, 1 Peter 3, Ephesians 5, Genesis2: 18)
3. Mothering - A Virtuous Woman teaches her children the ways of her Father in heaven. She nurtures her children with the love of Christ, disciplines them with care and wisdom, and trains them in the way they should go. (Proverbs 31: 28, Proverbs 31: 26, Proverbs 22: 6, Deuteronomy 6, Luke 18: 16)
4. Health – A Virtuous Woman cares for her body. She prepares healthy food for her family. (Proverbs 31: 14 – 15, Proverbs 31: 17, 1 Corinthians 6: 19, Genesis 1: 29, Daniel 1, Leviticus 11)
5. Service - A Virtuous Woman serves her husband, her family, her friends, and her neighbors with a gentle and loving spirit. She is charitable. (Proverbs 31: 12, Proverbs 31: 15, Proverbs 31: 20, 1 Corinthians 13: 13)
6. Finances - A Virtuous Woman seeks her husband’s approval before making purchases and spends money wisely. She is careful to purchase quality items which her family needs. (Proverbs 31: 14, Proverbs 31: 16, Proverbs 31: 18, 1 Timothy 6: 10, Ephesians 5: 23, Deuteronomy 14: 22, Numbers 18: 26)
7. Industry – A Virtuous Woman works willingly with her hands. She sings praises to God and does not grumble while completing her tasks. (Proverbs 31: 13, Proverbs 31: 16, Proverbs 31: 24, Proverbs 31: 31, Philippians 2: 14)
8. Homemaking – A Virtuous Woman is a homemaker. She creates an inviting atmosphere of warmth and love for her family and guests. She uses hospitality to minister to those around her. (Proverbs 31: 15, Proverbs 31: 20 – 22, Proverbs 31: 27, Titus 2: 5, 1 Peter 4: 9, Hebrews 13: 2)
9. Time - A Virtuous Woman uses her time wisely. She works diligently to complete her daily tasks. She does not spend time dwelling on those things that do not please the Lord. (Proverbs 31: 13, Proverbs 31: 19, Proverbs 31: 27, Ecclesiastes 3, Proverbs 16: 9, Philippians 4:8 )
10. Beauty – A Virtuous Woman is a woman of worth and beauty. She has the inner beauty that only comes from Christ. She uses her creativity and sense of style to create beauty in her life and the lives of her loved ones. (Proverbs 31: 10Proverbs 31: 21 – 22, Proverbs 31: 24 -25, Isaiah 61: 10, 1 Timothy 2: 9, 1 Peter 3: 1 – 6)
Women represent...
Women...Rejoice,..for great is the Hope and Joy we have in Christ..Allow the Love of Christ flow in you that it would overflow and be a blessing unto others.The Lord rejoices over you and may you be a blessing unto many around you.
with Love & Prayers,
Godly Woman Daily ♥
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Isn't it great to ponder upon? Godbless you all!
1 Apr 2012
I had a dream...
During the first weeks of this year 2012, when all my schedules of activities changed up side down, I had a successive dreams that has one common incident; I was being left behind! First, I ran so fast to catch the train and already so close yet still left behind. The following dreams, from group travel and they left without me. And the last was , I was left behind on the plane I suppose to be traveling with even if I was already there just watching the plane fly.
I did share this to some friends and they gave some interpretations which I think, very helpful and make sense. I may qoute what they share ;
"To dream that you are left behind represents feelings of rejection or not fitting into a group. It may also highlight fears of not being able to keep up. You are questioning your abilities. The dream may be telling you that you are not utilizing your full potential"
And last night I had another dream; I was in the running train, the next stop will be my suppose destination which is after crossing the bridge. But it was so unusual that the train stop in the middle of the brige because many wanted to step out already and I was one of them. When I was already right at the doorstep out, a friend inside the train called me, and asked "why you will go down, we aren't there yet, its already so close! " Then it was like I was back in my senses and said; what? then realize that we were still in the middle of the bridge, so I hurried turning back and went to sit back beside a friend, then I asked and wonder, why the train had stopped while it was not a stop station, then I woke up!
Well, this made me think when I woke up. I realize that my dream was telling me that I have the tendency to surrender on this journey I have nowadays, but thanks to friends who encourages me and reminds me that its already so close, we'll get there so soon! What do you think? Do you have in mind what my dreams means? Share!
16 Mar 2012
A little too much!
Well, I've learned my lessons. Though I'm sustained by the full support of my husband and from the loving grace of God now, still I know this is not advisable:) Until the month of May, this will be like this and things will be easier from then. I'm still thankful for every lessons I've learned in my life's journey! have a great weekend to all!
19 Feb 2012
Valentines post!

4 Feb 2012
His sustaining grace!!!
Well, I owe all of these to Him who gave me strength everyday and to Him who's sustaining grace is everlasting! I rather count His providence than my weaknesses. I gave it all to Him, and I will just enjoy how amazing His strenght everyday on me! I thank you my Lord!
29 Jan 2012
New Year, New dressed up blogs!
22 Jan 2012
Special Discounts at Walgreens!
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Walgreens. All opinions are 100% mine.
As we have known that people around the globe are consiously and unconsiously using Walgreens products. Almost every home have its different kinds since they have thousands different products mostly for family health care and different medications. Now here's a good news; they are offering a special discount on annual membership fee for Walgreens Prescription Savings Club . For your $10 a year, it already covers the whole immediate family . And that means anyone of your family circle, spouse and children 22yrs. old and younger is entitled on all benefits Walgreens have. Like discounts on every prescription medicines and even medical machines like nebulizers and even medications for our dear pets and more. Bonuses ,savings on brand name and generic medications and other services are also few of their benefits.
Well, what are you waiting for? Check them out and avail this wonderful opportunity. If you are single,you still can be a member for $5 a year, isn't it great? For more updates and great offers follow Walgreens on Twitter and you can even like Walgreens on Facebook whatever is more accessible for you. If you have both the better! Good luck everyone! I think this opportunity is a great act of Walgreens since it cares!
12 Jan 2012
The joy in Honesty!
I always heard before specially from my homeland people saying "nobody gets rich by being honest, everybody lies". Yet, I will be proud to say that if there's something good in me, that would be me being honest. Maybe because I believe that there is God who's watching over me every minute and knows everything I do.
Then when I came here in Sweden, I can prove them wrong, because one common mark of Swedish people that I think made them a rich country is that they are honest people. When I left my bag in the spårvagn and were returned to me completely, everybody said that I am lucky surely t'was a swede who happen to find it. So, the more honesty for me became my attitude.
Just before christmas 2011, that was last month, one of the advertising company that I work with,( Blog Services Inc. ) gave me a task for $20 but then the pay that arrived on my paypal was doubled, I recieved two $20. So as what I usually do, I informed them about the said mistake. Well, this was not the first time that dollars coming to my paypal by mistake. There were few already and even bigger. In the same way I returned the money to the concerns. Even, sadly I ain't recieved any compliment. But thats not so important for me though its a good thing right? What's important is that I can think peacefully without any guilt.
Back to the kind DA ; after I mailed them on that twenty bucks extra, they replied with the best mail I ever recieved! Full of appreciation and gratitude on my honesty. They let me keep the 20 bucks. Isn't it great? The joy of honesty is just amazing!
"Be honest even other's don't" Godbless everyone!
4 Jan 2012
So long 2011!

Now we are ready for this new year. Another exciting months, weeks, and days ahead. New perception in life, new challenges and victories. New blessings! So long 2011 and hello 2012, we're ready:) With God in our side everything will be alright! Godbless Us all!