31 Mar 2011
CC: How do we celebrate being together!
29 Mar 2011
A need to loose weight!
Is it really a need to be tiny during this season? I think its not needed but if possible we should, cause whether we like it or not, its more comfortable and we will feel more confident of our selves if we are in good shape. Just a thought! hehe.
Well, I need to walk more everyday:I Wish me luck!
27 Mar 2011
Spring is finally here:)
24 Mar 2011
More than Conquerors!

23 Mar 2011
CC: Connected again:)

22 Mar 2011
Wall of Names!

21 Mar 2011
Interesting or Annoying!
As I surf the net and even what I heard from my blogger friends, many advertisers now who are using email marketing software to contact costumer easily. That is why we recieves these kinds of emails. Well for me, there are actually some that interest me and a help specially when I'm looking for something but I'm just annoyed deleting some annoying advertisements specially when it comes many times already. It so scary to think it might be a spam, bringing virus to my mails..hehe! That's why if I'm not so sure what it is, I used to delete right away without opening it. Safety first!
Have a nice day everyone!
19 Mar 2011
Having time for ourselves!
17 Mar 2011
In remembrance of...

And this bag? was my dream bag, and I found this in Hongkong. So I bought this atleast I have also something from Hongkong:) If I will be given a second chance to visit there again, I promised myself to buy few bags. The reason is secret:) hehe.
Oh I always have something from every place I visited but I will just share this two. How about you? Do you think its a good idea to have something in remebrance of every places you have been?
16 Mar 2011
Friendship Gratitude!

Another extra ordinary is 'mommy lu' they call her but I call her Lulu. She's sharing

My gratitude to you guys! May we see each other personally soon:) God Bless!
14 Mar 2011

Thats normal, but don't let those feelings eat your nerves. It's okey to cry out loud, if you want to sleep, do it ! And also, don't forget to pray and pour out to him everything what you felt, good or bad..He'll understand. Take a walk. Grab your guitar and play with a song in your heart! Until everything goes to normal. And you will be fine.
12 Mar 2011
Signs or Anger ???
"Is it already the end of times?"
" God maybe is already so angry because of the wickedness of the earth" .
These are few lines I've heared from people about all these things happening around the globe. There are already many horrible things happened on our world and the tsunami in Japan is the latest and in the world news today. If you will see on television and read newspaper, heared from radio you will really be shaken, who don't? And everyone has many different reactions, views, insights about all these.
In MATTHEW 24:7-8, 33-34
"For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.All these are the beginning of sorrows. So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled."
Many because of despair blame God and asked God why? Others asked for forgiveness and asks God for help for all of these. Many are so afraid and worried and confuse and have no idea about all these things that happened.
Different reactions, different feelings and different way of taking it. To CHRISTIANS and to all who believe the Bible surely knows and and therefore calm that all these things are already the SIGNS of the END TIMES. And they have peace and praying and preparing themeselves to be ready whatever may happen.
Those who don't and followed the rule of SCIENCE on how the world works and can turn into.. are busy finding solutions how to save the world and studying why all these things are happening. And they are busy and full mind, restless.
There are also those who are IGNORANTS. Just living day after day without any knowledge from the Bible or from Science. They are so worried and just crying and some blaming God and turned away their face from believing that there is someone in control. All they believe is what they saw.. now.
What are you brethren??? How and what all these for you? You will know according on what you feel right now and how you react for all these terrible things that are happening!
GODSPEED for the TIME is HERE and NOW!
10 Mar 2011
CC: Hopeless!! I thought it was over!
"When I thought it was over..." is the topic on Couple's Corner this week!
After recieving a text message from Mr. Lars Göran Bjorlin introducing himself and giving his email adress, I right away knew that he is the one. The same day I went to the computer cafe to email him about me just introducing myself, just short pa effect that will lead him to write back and somehow he will write more about him and what he likes. He also answered right away but so short also. And so out of my being so hypermode and so excited about the love affair we could have, I wrote him a long letter. On that letter, I was so open that I am soooo interested on him and its like I'm already so inlove with and sounds so fresh! It was my second letter only.
Then I waited for a reply... a positive reply I was hoping...
Three days..nothing!
I ask my aunt about him, she don't know what happen and she was worried maybe I talked so much and that he don't like those words I wrote. Maybe turned off.
One week..still nothing..no more! So I thought it was over. I thought the fairy tale in my life became a nightmare:I So, I sent another letter asking sorry if I am so loud and that explaining him what I meant. Still no reply...
Two weeks passed I became hopeless..and accepted, it was over. So I didn't visit internet again. It was only because of him I used internet before. I didn't know that he already wrote me a letter the next day after the last day I visited the net cafe.
The next time I heard about him is a text message again with a code from western union because he sent money for me to go internet cafe because he has a mail a week ago already. Hahaha. And the fairytale happened and now became a reality for life!
What happened? Why he didn't reply? aah, he was not able to read my mails because he was not home. He was on a vacation for two weeks..hahhahaha!

Happy CC eveyone!
9 Mar 2011
Iv'e been following sites and added their sites to my bloglist after. And I left messages informing them that I followed and added them and hoping they will do the same. Well and then, many followed back and hopefully they also added my link to their bloglist. I know many did what I did but there are also who didn't, so beginning today I will do a little clean up on my sites.
I will visit all blogs that are on my list and look for my link there, and if I can't find my link... So sorry I have to delete yours too. But don't worry, I don't delete right away, I know there are many changes we go through to improve our blog thus other friends in bloglist losts. In this reason I will leave a message to inform you. In the same way, if you think I'm on your list and you can't find yours in my list..feel free to inform me so I can add you right away!
This is in fairness to others. See you then blogger friends!!!
7 Mar 2011
Good I went to church!
Smart Shopper!

This online store has a large variety of many different girls and women's wear. From dresses to shoes, jewelries and accessories, they have it all.They even have on SALE now. REA- swedish word for 'sale' is the best friend of shopaholics:) So, woman like me who have two girls and to all who have no time hanging around to the chaotic malls and store check smartgirl.se. You will not regret! And for more information about all this smart shopping tips? Follow this link
http://www.bloggerwave.com/Bloggerwave/c/416/42188/0 and thank me later. Goodluck and see you there!
Enjoy shopping!
6 Mar 2011
New Blogging Adventure!
When I get back into blogging, many things changed. Almost all my friends in blogland already bigtimers hahah. They are making new blogs and changing into own domains. Then yes earned more. So, I decided to do the same also, why not. So last week I started working on it and still working:) But I really had fun! Very interesting to venture one step better about blogging and its whatabouts.
So friends, I'm inviting you to visit my new domain at 'Me and My Mestizas'. Its gonna be interesting and more lively:) I will be launching it next week but you can start visiting now and be a part. Leave your footprints so I can add you too! I'm expecting you all and I'm thankful!
4 Mar 2011

This situation made me remember the story of a 'mother hen'. This said chicken just get her 4 lovely chicks. She guide them where they can find food and shelter. One day, there was a fire burning the bush where they usually look for food. So the owner of the chickens was so worried and run looking for them. Then he saw something black but in the form of a hen. The owner run off and checked. He found out that it was his hen burned covering her chicks inside her wings and the chicks survived and were alive.
I am pondering about this love a mother's have for their children. We will be selfless when it comes to our children. And we can even die for them. Children must know and understand that!
3 Mar 2011
Internet Problem!
When my husband arrived home he checked and found out that I happened to off our wireless internet connection while I restart the modem. Oh well, sometimes it happens. And I realized that without internet or computers, our day becomes empty or lacking something..hehe! I'm happy now I did finished the said domain I was working on. Just waiting for a right time to put it on into the bloggers world:)
2 Mar 2011
Couple's petty quarrels!

Me and my husband as I've said hates fighting. And we can just remember when and can just count in our fingers how many times we did fight. But quarrels??? hmmm, many times. In a very nonsense reasons and nonsense topic or point of view! And as usual its always 'me' is the reason why we can have this petty quarrels. Or shall I say, its always us 'wives' (peace:). We are so dramatic and shallow, well thats what they saw but all we want when we act like that is that we just want a hug and more kisses.(laugh out loud) And I love when we have petty quarrels because after that?? I can get what I want. wink*
1 Mar 2011
Out of boredom!
"Make use of your time, it passes just once!" Have a great day!