But for me, its so much! Too much sun gave me pain on the skin and head ache:( Makes me uncomfortable and make me sick!. One day, while I was on the train station waiting for the train together with some others, I stayed on the shadow, and almost everyone looked at me with a strange expression on the face! Then, one speak up and said to me, " why you hide in the shadow? come out in the sun!" hahaha, so I realized,.. thats the reason why they looked strange at me, they wonder among all people there who want to be out, there I was hiding from the sun! So, I just smile and said; " I don't need more color anyway, I already have a nice and natural brown complexion.. hehhe! And then, she said.. oh yaah!!! Any--way!And left me alone! hmmmp!
27 Jun 2009
But for me, its so much! Too much sun gave me pain on the skin and head ache:( Makes me uncomfortable and make me sick!. One day, while I was on the train station waiting for the train together with some others, I stayed on the shadow, and almost everyone looked at me with a strange expression on the face! Then, one speak up and said to me, " why you hide in the shadow? come out in the sun!" hahaha, so I realized,.. thats the reason why they looked strange at me, they wonder among all people there who want to be out, there I was hiding from the sun! So, I just smile and said; " I don't need more color anyway, I already have a nice and natural brown complexion.. hehhe! And then, she said.. oh yaah!!! Any--way!And left me alone! hmmmp!
22 Jun 2009
Unexpected Blessings
These past few months, we encountered problems on our economy! Our budgets went so wrong and down. First because we just transfer into a bigger family apartment! So changes went so fast, everything had to cost much bigger than the usual! Plus, our car was in trouble (already old:) needs new..hehe) and much more to mention that cost money! That instead of saving we seemed spending much!
Im so much positive than my husband in this case but still inside of me Im so affected and worried:( But I dont want my husband to see it! And as I always do.. I went back to the Promises instead of thinking the Problems.
But this afternoon, while I was at work, my husband called with the infor
Then... just after an hour from a problem call comes an answered prayer call. My husband called again informing me that there's a mail from tax government for me.. so I let him open it, and I thought he's just kidding me that I got tax return that much! I just expecting for a hundred from them but he said thousands, so I hurried home and found out he is telling the truth! See... its half more than we need! Isnt it great???
Like what I said; If the world has a lot of problems, God has a lot of promises!
21 Jun 2009
Promises that last!

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God to them who are the called according to His purpose!"romans 8:28
"For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future!" jeremiah 29:11
These are my life verses whatever, wherever, whoever! Thats why;)
Try it! Godspeed!
20 Jun 2009
Today is Sweden's midsummer day!!! and last night they celebrated the "midsummerfest" infact it was holiday yesterday, free from work! hehe. Im really amaze how they put importance on summer time. As in its mr. sun Im talking about! Even the fact that it hides many times from them. Well beacause "sun" means happy:) alive, oppurtunities, luck and all positive things while "rain" means sadness, gloom, darkness, failures!only few situations it means blessings specially for the farmers! but personality wise it is!
But we can anyhow thanks for every weather we have in our lives. I mean both interpretation. By its word, yeah our physical body needs sun and rain, night and day. As well as our emotions and life situation we need all those.. even those negatives for it will makes us strong and wise enough to solve or face every kind of situations/season!
If we are in the darktimes of our lives.. be assured that it will not remain like that.. it is destined to pass and therefore a new day will surely come, the sun shines again!
And if we are of our daylight? be thankful and enjoy every minute of it cause the same thing it will pass also and therefore save it, use it for good and learn in preparation for the night!
19 Jun 2009
angel of mine
There's this girl...
She captured the eyes of everyone
Even captivate the heart of my loveone.
By her innocency she owns the world's pleasure
And even wins those lives under pressure
She has the beauty beyond description
She cries, she laugh, she smiles
She can sing and dance and play as well
And smart enough to follow direction
She's my little girl and my princess
The apple of my own eyes
She's my boss and yet my helper
The best gift ever
She is her papa's little darling
And her friends favorite playmate
She is an angel of mine
And this girl calls me "mama"
18 Jun 2009
play while you work
Oh well, in English it means.., when you consider your work as pleasure, life becomes full of fun, but when you consider your work as duty, life becomes slavery!
Life here in abroad is so much pressure. The daily routine at home, school, and work.. and the time??? its like we always catching it everyday! Work at home, work at school and jobwork!!!work..work..work! And it tends to slave us already. And so this qoutations is a wake up call for me. It makes me ponder and realized that I already treated my daily routine as my daily duty the reason why it became so hard and tiring! Hmm..thanks for the reminder!
Its not too late, right mate???
"consider it done!"
1. my husbands desire to have that brand new car he wants by october;)- God provides!
2. my plans next term about studies, work and family(to have another child;)a boy,heheh)- God's guidance and direction!
3. our plan to let my mother visit us here in sweden;)-God's will!
4. our long term plan to acquire a house enough to cater friends and family;)- God bless!
17 Jun 2009
...see what I mean???
I like to pose in the camera but I loooove taking pictures the most! Honestly? I always have my camera with me coz anytime wherever and when ever I feel like what I see is something on it and beautiful, right away...mmmm 'click'.
I took all these pictures in different time different places and in different situation... and all for me is beau.....tiful and wonderful! ;) Enjoy guys!

16 Jun 2009
wow nice awards!!!

14 Jun 2009
Exemplary Life
"...daddy, daddy look! Im following your twacks!"

13 Jun 2009
The Woman called Janmah;)

She' s a woman after God's own heart actually.
She can be your good friend but she could be your bad enemy too.
She live simply full of promises from her best friend.
She's a sweet daughter and a cool sister,
A loving mother and a faithful wife;)
She's a teacher in profession and love children so much!
Traveling and adventure are her passion.
She dont care so much and insensitive sometimes. (hmm bad side maybe:l but she is).
She talk so much but she know also how to listen.
She's straight forward but sweet;)
She was branded as the girl who owns the world's smile on her younger years!
She love to read and write!
And above all, she put her trust to only one..her best friend!
Note: this is dedicated to my new found friends here in the blogger world! Have a good time everyone;)

11 Jun 2009
Dream BIG dreams

Coz' then I thought it was just the result of our tiresome and hardships. I thought it was just a dreams and will remain a dream... but they're not! Because all of those dreams came into a reality! Amazing as it is but Im now proud to say that my brother, my poor cool brother had already done what he said before! he is now a civil engineer and a contractor and therefore to build big houses and even buildings is what he does. His first project was our house:) And I also did what I said before!heheh, to put things on our house and make my family live a life that is comfortable!

9 Jun 2009
Watch your W.A.T.C.H

Award fro shy;)

Hmm.. got this beautiful award from my cute friend sarah ;) Thanks sar for believing on me, heheh! Well, I love to pass this to my new friends Rad on daddysport, Toni of course, rafael and cutella. Happy blogging friends!
7 Jun 2009
Look Who's Talking!!!
Everytime I met new people, first thing that Im observing is the way she/he speaks;) Its usually by the way people speaks personality shown. Take note not by what she/he talks about but the way people talks. There are some who dont talk so much on first meeting but there are some also that are so loud and talkative, that as if you already knew each other for a long time;) I always heard before; that those who are not afraid to speak up are smart ones. I mostly heard it from my mother and teacher. As I grew older and loud.. I realized that they just told me so to make me not to become insecure and shy, to make my self-confident, strong and stable. For the fact that I am a small kind of creature..hehhe.
Now, I learned that there are two kinds of loud people, those who are smart and those who are blabber mouthed. Those who are smart speaks with knowledge! But those who are blabber mouthed speaks how knowledgeable they are!
Well, what do you think? Have you experienced something familiar? Do you know someone that thinks she is intelligent but now you realized she just have a blabbermouth? ("pamati" kung sa bisaya pa?)
Remember; "Small people talk about people, but smart people talk about oppurtunities and current events!" HAVE A NICE MONDAY!!!
6 Jun 2009
Free and Healthy it is!
Fatherly loving smile:)
Hmmm... whatever kind of smile as long as you smile it makes a difference. It will make people happy, it get away wrenkles in the forehead;) it keeps out problems, pressures and stress, it makes us younger..heheh! And many more!
What else Smile can do??? comment!!! hurry;) so everyone is happy!!!
5 Jun 2009
Lovely Award from Jenny d gennie;)

I got this very lovely blog award from my very lovely blog friend Jenny. Thank you so much jen for giving me this wonderful and lovely award again. I do appreciate it very much.
The rules are:
1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
No objections to this one but it sounds funny that acceptance of the award is a must.
2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
I'm passing this award to my lovely new found friends namely: Toni , Kurdapya, Georgi, Tita Beng,Susan,Cutella,Rafael,Shelly,Mommy.
So there you go, hope you like it the way i did!
Happy blogging!
3 Jun 2009

In my younger years, I had a friendship journal, there I wrote all about friends and friendship! Everytime I read or heard about it, I wrote on that journal, and even my diary with my bestfriend is there. One of my favorite there is this;
F- is for the Feelings when Im with you
Hmm.. its so simple but complete! isnt it?? Oh how I miss my journal, but even its not with me now but those words there still in my mind! Probably, thats the reason why I have so many friends! hehe, but we only have one bestfriend!
Our best friend could be our mother or father, it could be our husb

And there are so many sayings as well, like.."tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are" sounds familiar? And theres also that says; "A friend is closer than a brother."..and many more... But...?!
What really is FRIENDSHIP?