Aren't they beautiful? Hmmmm so happy when I recieved these from my good friend David. He is my new friend but I like him from the start! He is so kind and helpful and not selfish! And his blog??? extra ordinaire:) He has thousands of friends but he always have time for each one! Thanks David, and may you keep it up! Hope we meet in person someday, somehow!
I want my new friends to have these also! It doesnt matter if you already got some of it.. it just means you really deserve it:) Here you are; chris, shelly, diane, georgi, freelova, kurdapya, ephie, jelai, anna, ,momshe, cutella, Toni, and to shy and jenny heheh.

3 readers digest:
wow! thanks so much!
Thanks Janet for posting these much deserved awards and for your compliments. I liked you from the start as well, and I'm glad we're friends. Also, it is great to see that you meet with S-H-Y and Jenny in person sometimes since they are blogger friends of mine. That would be great to meet in person one day.
Congrats dear friend!
hi chris... enjoy it mah friend:) its cool!
to David;) yah David they(jenny and shy) were the one introduces me to you... i dont know if possible to have a meeting with bloggers one day! hmm lets see.. maybe i wish!
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