29 Jan 2010
For Today!
28 Jan 2010
Upright Freezers!!!
27 Jan 2010
Couple's Corner# 14.. Have I told you lately...?

This Three Letter Word are so heartwarming to hear and we are not "suppose" get tired hearing and saying this. But these words became so common that we tend to forget the importance of it. Like other couple here in "Couple's Corner" me and my husband are fond of saying these words to each other. It was not planned, we don't have a deal, we didn't talk about it, it just came naturally. Wherever, whatever and whenever. Like every phonecalls and text messages, always ends up with these magic words whatever the topic on your conversation:) hehe.

Before when we still have no child and had all the time at home and even until when I've got my baby and no other thing to do but attending my girl, I usually woke up early with him and prepare everything for him before he'll go to work, then at the door..as in he's outside and i'm inside, and I was like holding the door and kissing with words.. i love you, have a nice day, take care, ses snårt :) (see you soon). That was everyday.(We still do it now when I woke up with him). And when we are in bed and maybe do something else like talking and or playing with our girl or something lovely:)wink*.. we make sure or automatically we say good night , love you of course the kisses before we went to sleep.
But when I got already so much to do, like school and working late, I cannot wake up with him anymore. I rather prepare his lunch box the night before and sleeping until 8 or 9am. My husband get up 5am;) and go out to work at 6am. But one thing HE never forget and he cannot go without, is kissing and hugging me while am still at the bed just to say 'hej då så länge älskling' ", love you" mwaah! and of course, who can't wake up on that:) so even i'm in bed, i always hug back and say love you, drive safely and Godbless today!!! Thats for always!!!
LATELY, after that saturday meeting with the new couple.. (my cousin who just arrived here to live with her hus

Everytime I'm angry and feel bad on him.., While crying I'll say; "I love You Älskling" to remind me and him that even if we fight and I have this kind of feelings, the love that I have for him never change:) huhu.. Have a lovely CC everyone! teary nako..got to end up here:)
How about Last Weekend???

Last January 20 marks his __ th birthday:) And last saturdy his wife prepared a very simple party for him just for all of us - family who are here in this foreign land. Specially our new couple already with us:) my cousin who just arrive was able to join with the celebration too. But her "welcome party" still under planning so lets just wait:)
25 Jan 2010
Day Off!!!
23 Jan 2010

22 Jan 2010
For your Future!
I happen to land a site about InvestmentForge as I surf the net. I find it interesting because they are not just talking about the clients can earn that much and so on. But they are honest enough that they too as possible earn more! It's like partnership between the clients and the company. Sounds good, you can check them yourselves..there's no harm on informing analyzing until you can decide what is good!
I myself have plans to invest, who will not if its a good thing! But as I said, It takes time, good planning and acquiring knowledge about everything i sthe best to start with! Remember, this is for our future and the future of our children!
21 Jan 2010
Just Married!
Well, I know she together with her husband will go through lots of adjustments and have to start building their own family now. And its not that easy though. But we her family who were ahead on this path she has to take are just here willing to support and help her go through. She's still young and I know it will be more harder for her but she's lucky because we are already here who can guide her and ready to be there for her when in need!

Since, we were not there in Philippines during their wedding, we have to give our gifts for them here. While waiting of her coming, me and my husband find it hard to decide what we can give them as wedding gift. As we were both thinking, I burted out; how about buying a convection toaster oven from the Internet. I found this site who has a different kind of oven toaster and we both agreed and thought it will be good. Almost every family here in Sweden has an oven toaster, because this is very helpful not only to bake, broil or cook, convection oven has rotisserie for cooking chicken, fowl and other meats. I think this is perfect for a new couple. It can make our work/food fast and easy!
20 Jan 2010
CC # 13...How WELL do we know each other:)

He eats everything serve aside from fish and 'laman- loob'. He don't sing and dance... he was forced to dance on our wedding during "pago dance" where people hanging money on our dress:) hahaa! And maybe his next dance will be on our daughter's debut, he said! He loves driving motorcycle than car:) His greatest hobby when just at home is the never dying Ever Quest:)
He's a man who believe that "one word is enough for a wise man"hehe..his Yes is a YES, and his No is a NO! Thats why he don't decide fast he must think first, and a man of few words because every single word that comes out from his mouth, he mean it! Once he said it, he don't want to say it again and again! He's so smart but don't brag about it! Huh.., he loves Science books and magazine.
His weak part??? oh well, so easy to accept and love compared to mine!! hahah. If all women see HIM, Only him sees ME. (waaa, avatar) Anyway.. I'm already so sleepy, I will just edit or add more tomorrow! See yah!
When it comes to eyeglasses, ZENNI!

I know the feeling because few months ago, I was worrying about my eyes due to eye strain and more. In short, I needed a new eyeglasses already. And huh, eyeglasses here in our place are way too expensive! I don't want to pay a name.. you know what I'm saying? The major tendency why things we need become expensive is because of its name...we are paying the name more than the thing we need from them. Well, luckily Ive been reading reviews and announcements online and found this brand ZENNI, they are the opposite, their eyeglasses are way cheaper! So I checked their site, get their cart and problem solve.
19 Jan 2010
Our dear Pets!
This dog is amazing, she can play dead! hahah and the children love to play with her..so must be flea free!!! No,no,no!!!
Snow crystals!
Anyway, as I was walking bound to my work place, The snow along the streets catched my attention! They looked amazing and wonderful! I know there are explanations about why the snow will form into like flower or a leaf..hehe they call it.. snow crystals! But I don't have time to research its nature...hahah! My skin ha
Hmm..enjoy the day and have a wonderful time!!!
18 Jan 2010
Popularity??? or Performance!
One common reason is the descision based on popularity of a certain web hosting company instead of the performance. Yes. popularity of the company is a good indicator of a good service but moreover, there should have the several main attributes in ecommerce hosting that comprise the performance of a particular plan. One important attributes of a certain company is RELIABILITY. There should be proper support otherwise it can result in loss of time and money! You yourself can do the work of finding out, make an inquiry, get information test them yourself! Another thing to consider is the FEATURES, do they have variety of features that are easier for you and your costumer? For example, shopping carts, this can make the shopping experience convenient. One more is the COST EFFECTIVENESS, be sure you are not overpaying. There's no harm in comparing prices and go for the reasonable one!
Looking for affordable web hosting yet comply the best program you need? Try the Web Hosting Fan! everything web made easy. Check here where web hosting industry news, latest trends, and reviews of the best web hosting providers are found.
17 Jan 2010
Wise Planning!!!
This weekend seemed so short for me because of so many schedules we were into. I planned to sleep early today like 9pm as possible because I have to wake up early, as in change routine:) But the
Well, well,well! I have to park here and try to sleep earlier as the usual, wink* . I am a night person so I usually sleep late and wake up late like I used to sleep 12pm or 1am..heheh. But this semester, its a challenge for me to change my sleeping routine and that is to sleep earlier because I have to wake up early! Hmmm..goodluck to me!!!
16 Jan 2010
A good friend of ours (family friend) went home to philippines last december to celebrate holidays with her family there and she just came home here in Sweden last week and brought us "pasalubong" ,the philippines made goodies. Hehe, am so happy with it!
Want some??? wink* Enjoy your weekend everyone!
15 Jan 2010
For Girls Only:)
Sometimes, we need to be freeeeeee! Hahaha...as in just girls and just having fun! Annabel,(the one on the picture with our glasses cheers for her) happy birthday and thanks for that fantastic time together with your friends. My wish will be for you to have good health and blessings to the whole family!!! GRATTIS!!!
14 Jan 2010
Today, I got a call from the agent, they finally back home here and so kind calling me regarding the package! There was miscommunication about the address and the contact number I gave. This is my first time addressing my package to our house in the province cause I usually address it to my brother's office in the city. I made a try if they really can do it door to door even to the baranggays but my agent didn't noticed it that I had it addressed changed. Then when they tried to call the contact number, it can't be reached..because my brother have numerous SIM and unfortun

Lately my husband and my aunt's hubby were thinking of shipping our old car here to Philippines. Well, sending things is a risk, we must have a trustful company like Dependable Auto Shippers that takes our valuable things there safely! They asked information about it and how many percent can it be possible. What we need is an agency who can transport cars safely and surely. A company that is committed into this kind of services. Same as our old soffa, its already so old like almost 20 years old but its a skin soffa but we already have to change it. But I feel not to throw it but to send it! I already asked about it, the cost, the possibilities and when. So, probably we will send it on the next shipment! Hope it will arrived at the right time:)
12 Jan 2010
Couple's Corner! Only one time!
I am the silent type when I feel bad. I'm not the nagger type:) So, strange because I talk so much, almost everything and whatever. But when I keep silent, it means I don't feel good! They'll say I'm not in the mood! hahah. Good sign huh! So, it was what happen. I felt sad and depressed that time for all the adjustments I was trying to handle and I wanted my husband to see it and be sensitive enough but unfortunately he's so insensitive but I knew it already, that knowledge of him being insensitive adds my sadness that time.
He didn't knew that I was already in my lowest time because he was so focused on his computer game, I felt so sad and helpless, so I put my self into the thub full of warm water and cry...sobbing.., still he didn't notice! Until I shouted out loud, finally he noticed. But it got worse when he came up to me. He asked me what happened, I didn't say anything because I was on a hard cry. Still he kept asking, that I have to tell him if he had done something wrong or what I felt. So, even crying i told him what I felt and that he never noticed it because he was so busy playing. He told me something in a calm voice but hurt me more. He said; "and so you are trying to control me and change me into something I'm not? Is that what you want" My God! really I never expect my message will arrive on him that way! So, I never talk to him again. Better not to say at all than misunderstood, I thought! I went out from the bath thub and dressed up and went out on a cold winter night just walked and crying. But I text him not to worry, just want to be alone!
Thats the time I started not to tell him whatever sad or bad feeling I had or I will have. I chose to keep silent than to be right from then on! And this attitude of mine now makes him feel bad everytime! Its so seldom I get upset on him anyway because he's the good type of person and most of the time its just tolerable. So, better heal it in one hour than misunderstood.
When I asked him, if he get very angry with me on our almost 5years now..., he said, not at all. Just feel not good when he knew there's going on in me but I don't tell him what! But I assured him that if I'm like that, just let me be and it will just go away so fast! Hmm... that's all thank you! hahahah. Well, I'm not telling that this is right or good, my husband even told me, beg me, to tell him whenever I feel something! hmmm okey, I'm workin' on it! hehe! Happy CC every one!
11 Jan 2010
Major Subjects!

But thats life here! One thing I know that the task ahead of us is never great than the POWER behind us! Wish me luck!
Home Fashion!

Well, that 'someday' already came. Now we already have a home that I can call it our own. From his small bachelor pad now a three room apartment with a beautiful murray feiss decoration lamp that we bought just for our new home. And little by little w

There are still few things we need to change and it will soon be realize. Just one step at a time as the song goes:) Have a nice time everyone!
10 Jan 2010
Whew! Chilling!
9 Jan 2010
My Life Story!!!
Want to know me better? Then you can check my personal blog at "Chapters of my Life". This is my 3rd site written for personal posts only. Here I wrote my life story. It could sounds like a fairy tale but this is my story! Here I tried to recall those prominent instances of my life that somehow gives inspiration to my readers! Here where miracles, beliefs, trusts, family and love won over hardships, insecurities, hates, dissappointments, trials, desperation, poverty and even death!
Now on its fourth chapter where every pages are remarkable! You must not miss it! Welcome and be blessed!
Note: In order to understand it more, you are advise to read it from the first chapter:) Hope you will enjoy and be inspired! And will walk with me as this chapters continues! See yah!
8 Jan 2010
I met the real Santa Claus!
After parting ways, I went to the city to meet my aunts and thought I will continue looking my warm boots there, with their help. But then they were already on a certain store and told me to come quickly. That store sells stuff with *name* like Levi's, Lee and known to be expensive store but they have small sizes there, so my aunts really are a fan there. So I went directly to them, Oh my! they were so busy fitting and gave some to me to fit, cause that store was giving away their clothing, hehe.. almost! but thousands of discounts. They've got 12 pcs. each and suppose to pay 3,600kr, but they only have to pay 220kr.., and mine were 8pcs. which I suppose to pay 2,400, but just paid 150kr. waaaah! Can you imagine that!
So we went happy and satisfied with our shopping. We ate some burger and fries first before going home as we always do, accross that fastfood is a Body Shop store, my aunts' favorite body cream offers 50% less. So they supposed to buy after we ate but then they were out of cash so decided to buy it the next day. As we walked down bound to our respective train, we met a middle aged filipina who recognizes one of my aunt and they hugs each other, "oh long time, no see" hehhe. They talk a while, then they said goodbye, but suddenly the woman said; oh by the way, I have a gift for you, and you (pointing us) She gave each one of us! Wow! thanks ok 'hej då' When we open it... unbelievable! its the body cream that they want to buy! Hah hah!
I believe, santa claus is not the mascot, they are the ones who gave away without thinking of returns and those who recieves really can feel the wondrous of its spirit! The joy and satisfaction is felt. They can be a friend, a passerby or even a store:)wink* Thats why I can say that I just met the real santa claus on a post christmas day!
Have a happy weekend guys!!!
7 Jan 2010
Happy Birthday Big Brother!
We just talked

January 8, 1977, he was born! He is simply double 3 now with a fulfilled life. I am proud of him, our youngest brother so proud of him, our parents are so proud of him and of course his own family, his wife and two little girls are proud of him. I can say, his success is so great because its the fruit of labor and hardship. He was a working student while studying his Civil Engineering, this is not an easy course but still he managed to work as helper on PUJ drivers collecting commuter's fare. (kondoktor, we call it in our

And can you imagine how far he became now at his age? He started his own construction company at the age of 28. He's so blessed given a CPA wife, and working in bank, so together they venture thier own business! And by God's grace, thier company is growing now and little by little they acquired construction utility one at a time.
So big bro, all I can wish for you is more knowledge and wisdom to handle the tasks you have now! Me and my family and our family are just here for you whenever you need us! Goodluck and more blessings!!!
6 Jan 2010
CC # 12 Annoying MOments!
When I asked my husband what irritates him of me, he can't find one, he said . So I gave him some situations coz he might just so kind not to say the truth..hhahah, or afraid I get upset, we never know! But then all I suggested, he really mark it 'never'. hahha! So this character of him irritates me. waaah!!!
Ok..one thing anyway that irritates him when I moved things from its usual place then when we look for it he can't find it nor can I. I tend to keep things in a good place which I myself can't find it! I'm also annoyed of me being like this.
WEll,well,well... I have few things about my husband that irritates me:)
2.) Taking things out and never care to return it to its place!
3.) His direct "I don't know" answer.
Hmmm... enjoy guys! happy CC! I'm excited to read yours..here I come! heheh.
5 Jan 2010
Picture Purfect!!!
Like me, my daughter love to pose too...I will post some of her poses at her site.