30 Sept 2009
My boo, my boots!
29 Sept 2009
Once every payday!
Long day it became!

27 Sept 2009
Doctor,doctor I am sick!
25 Sept 2009
Finally bought our new printer!
But then, it seemed we forgot it until this week when I want to work out on my school requirements and so we decided to scheduled it yesterday. After few hours of looking and bidding, finally we found the exact printer that we want. That is not only a printer but can print photos, for CD/DVD, have scanner and easy and simple to operate and a good price. Price is very important nowadays;)
24 Sept 2009
21 Sept 2009
I'm so excited!
Last August 31, the night of my birthday my husband on his computer called me up and show me the car he wanted. After a few talks, we decided to order it for once and right there and then my husband did filled up the order form. I was the one who chose the color and the kind of seats cover insi
de then the wheels and other parts were his.
Two days after, we received the answer and the company told my husband to bring his salary statements and some other requirements, then the next day, my husband told me the good news that we pass and we can have the car we want. Yahooo!!! I'm so excited! It will be finish by the end of October and we can have it by first week of November.
Isn't it amazing??? As I posted 2 or 3 months ago about my wishes this year. One of it was that we can have our new car before the year ends. And see?? granted! therefore, I believe that those other wishes too will be fully granted!
Just ask and you will receive;) PG!
20 Sept 2009
Our new baby is home:)

But today, baby Cara just came home at my parent's house. They will stay there for a while. I can feel how happy my parents are. They put the baby to the camera so we can see her also..oh so cute! The longing to have another one was ignited. Hehe. My husband wants to send a gifts for the baby so I ask my sister-in-law what she wants, either money or things for the baby and she chose things;) So I will start looking for baby's things, accessories and the like so we can send a package as soon as possible;)
Oh...so cute isn't it? Isn't she lovely??? Ahehhe.
Welcome to the family baby Cara Faith Mahusay.
I disclose:)
19 Sept 2009
Count your Blessings!
Meaningful rings!

18 Sept 2009
This girl is now a Mommy!
This is me and my husband... I was still single taken in rocky Philippines. My husband when he was still young and single taken in mountainous Norway;) But so funny that we have the same peace sign thing. ha!
How can I forget my husband's Tiger motorcycle that was almost as tall as me??? And my suit that my husband ordered it because we didn't find my size:)
:( We sold it when I got pregnant and bought a car instead!huhu.
I love this pix
Oh! his firstborn baby!
Well, I have so much but I think these are enough! Happy Mommy Moments everyone!
Check also an MM treasured pics of my daughter at Laikka's page!

I don't easily gets annoyed but lately I am. There's this woman that talks so much and feeling 'all-knowing' always telling me what to do. I already told her that I don't need her unsolicited help, still she keeps on doing it. Sooo...annoying! like a bee:) buzz,buz,buzzzzzzzzz!
And lately, oh! almost feed up! Not so long ago we tranferred to this bigger apartment, and from the time we transferred, it was my first time borrowing books again from our local library. I reserved books which I badly needed for my assignments in school almost two weeks now. They said they will just send me a letter if my books are ready for pick up. But until now, no post comes. So, I starts to wonder and doubts that my mail landed there on our old apartment cause as I remember, my library card detailed information about me was registered long time ago when we were still on that old house. So, possible they address my mail there! huh! So, today, I will go to our library again and will asks and maybe change my registered address there. Huh isn't it annoying???
17 Sept 2009
The Godfather!
15 Sept 2009
The coolest gift I ever recieved;)
But anyway the coolest among all of my gift is the fire extinguisher. Haahah, not only it gave me a good laugh, I also think its really cool! Who could have thought about it? Of all the things we could find for gifts and there's this Swedish man thought it would be good to give a fire extinguisher???
Prior to my birthday, my Filipino friend told me not to laugh on their gift because it was her husband who bought it! Her husband is really cool, he is funny but silent way, like serious-funny??? And he usually give funny gifts. I remember one of our friend's 45th birthday who hates 'eldorado' products, hahahha... you got it!!! Yes! This same man gave the birthday celebrant lots of El dorado products! And we really had a good time of laughing!
Unfortunately, they arrive late during my birthday so they were not there yet during the opening of the gifts. Only me and my husband opened it laugh about it!
Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Laurell and little Hannah!
14 Sept 2009
Another baby girl in the family
13 Sept 2009
Time With YOU

11 Sept 2009
Mommy Moments Entry
Its Mommy Moments once again!!! TGIF! Today's topic is about wearing hats. My baby has so many of this specially when she was little because the fact that its cold here, she also has no hair before! Hmm, this is cute and you can see fabulous chidrens on hats here in Mommy Moments! Take a look and be a part!
(you can just click the picture above for my entry and check more of her wearing hats;)
9 Sept 2009
Knowing a little bit of ME??
1. What time did you get up this morning?
2. How do you like your steak?
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
4. What is your favorite TV show?
-'So U Think U can Dance'
5. What did you have for breakfast?
-Bread and Butter
6. Favorite place to eat?
-Sala in front of the TV
7. What are your favorite clothes?
-T-shirts and Jeans
8. Where would you visit if you had the chance?
-Paris and New York
9. Where would you want to retire?
-In Philippines;)
10. Favorite time of day?
-4am-7am... surely I'm still resting, sleeping!
11. Where were you born?
- Ormoc City, Philippines
12. What is your favorite sport to watch?
-Basketball- in Phil., Ice Hockey- here in Sweden
13. Bird watcher?
14. Are you a morning person or a night person?
- night
15. Do you have any pets? -
-Not now
16. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share?
-I already received my tax return;)
17. What did you want to be when you were little?
-to be a nurse
18. What is your best childhood memory?
-When I did my Salutatory Address and everyone stood up!
19. Are you married?
-Fortunately yes;)
20.Favorite Flower?
-Orchids of different kind
21. Favorite ice cream?
-vanilla and strawberry
22. Favorite fast food restaurant?
- Burger King
23. What was your favorite vacation?
-Last year at Boracay Philippines with my whole family (Papa, Mama, My two brothers and family and of course 'Us'
24. what is your favorite color?
25. Coffee drinker?
-Mammen!!;) Absolute! Addict
I think this is fun;) But I think everyone already was tagged, so if ever not yet! YOU are welcome to grab this! TRY it! Just to have fun;)
7 Sept 2009
Birthday post!!!
The detailed stories are in my new site 'CHAPTERS of my LIFE'. There I will post all what had happened on all the celebrations I got from last sunday, saturday and the following sunday! I hope you will also have time to take a look there visits and hopefully be my friends, same as you walk with me here.
Looking forward to see everyone there!
See yah and have a good time everyone!
Before the Saturday party;)
3 Sept 2009
Hi Guys;)
Found our new car
Because our car is quite old now though it doesn't actually look like it. My husband took good care of it that's why its always looks new but the engines and all are already retiring. So, we already plan and talking about looking our new car and includes it already on our budget. I know he's been searching the net and look for what he wants that I would like it too.
Luckily, here in buyyourcar.com.uk has new venture. When we talk about cars and UK, we know its something. But in addition to that this site gives a unique way compare to other sites who just focus on their new cars, used car,car leasing and the like but here allows consumers to search and enquire all possibilities. And not only that,they even supplies independent car reviews and links to competitive loans and insurance.
I tell you, this indeed well worth a closer look.
What it takes to win???
Yes, i had a bet but my first bet was cut off unexpectedly..hmm she was really good and even the judges thinks the same but why the people did not vote her??? Or was it really for votes? What really takes to win? No,no,no! I'm not sad or angry because my second best wins! She's not that good in the beginning but she grows every time, her dancing and perseverance really can bless.
Why I like this program? because it teaches me many things... Its like our life's journey! I'm blessed everytime they hears critic yet handled it so good. And how they learned every dance in just few days, yet performed verywell. And so, this gave me a positive outlook that in our lives, everything is possible. All we have to do is to have a heart on what we are doing and work on it!
Congratulations Jeanine;)!!!
2 Sept 2009
At the end of the day!
1 Sept 2009

Waaaaaaaa! another award from jenny. hmm there are so many rules to do on this award but because its my day, I decided to do it on my own! aheheh peace my jenny gumman.
I just want to thank you on this though.
Happy blogging! Grab my friends..varsegod!