31 Aug 2009
Thanks to my friends;)
And to some others who leave some greetings on my chatbox, thanks to all of you! I'm so sorry my comment area don't work maybe because of my new lay out! Oh what can I do with it! Anybody knows how and extend help;) It will be good! I hope I can fix it as soon as possible!
Thanks everyone! I had a very nice and blessed day! I had fun!
My day @ 35!

29 Aug 2009
Party Time
Goodluck to me:)
Tomorrow I cant visit surely, cause I will be having fun and bussssy.
See you on monday on my Birthday! heheh!
Philippine Mango
27 Aug 2009
Also Known As LAIKKA
Its 'MommyMoments' once again;) And today's topic is Name Game. We have to tell the story behind our baby's name. How it came to be their name. Unfortunately, I already p

On our sleep
Have you ever wondered what's going on around on our sleep? Yeah of course, there are science explanation about how and what are the body and mind and all is doing when we sleep but setting aside all those studies, just our own wondering and thoughts. Have you think about that?
In my sleep, I think there are so many things happens. I thought, I will be in another world called 'dream'. Another life, another experiences we do every time. Another situation, might not be the same on what you are in this world called 'reality'. And in the same way, some are good and some are bad to the extent that we sometimes remember some when we woke up.
I read once long time ago, the writer said; 'Every time we sleep, we do have a dream, some are remembered but some remains there.' Then I think and base on my experience it's true, cause every time I woke up! I felt there were things going on... On my sleep;)
Just a thought! wink*
Good day everyone!
24 Aug 2009
Just last night he bought a two kilos lobsters, and only two of us ate them;) The fact is, its 250crowns per kilo in the middle of our budgeting wise situation;)
Sometimes its like that! We want to be crazy...sometimes!
22 Aug 2009
Becoming a 'Woman'
21 Aug 2009
Jenny and Shy
I'm about to feature here two extraordinaire ladies, Jenny and Shy... they are simply my friends. Three of us has extremely different characteristics but we click. These two also are girls and are women.
SHY, a woman with no care:) She lives on her own. Other people's lives don't bother her at all on what she have to do with her life. She is small but terrible. She does many things that amazes me. She has a strong self-esteem that made her the tallest of all. She just enjoy and live on her own expertise.
She is what I am not.
But they are my friends, my good friends and we enjoy each others company. Whatever our individual strenght, we shared it! Whatever our weaknesses are, we respect it! And that is why we're friends! Thanks to the two of you! I'm really blessed with friends;)
Keep up the good works guys! I'm proud of you!
20 Aug 2009
Patiently Nurturing
Every time I arrived home, I always have 2 things to do before anything else, First, to hug and kiss my daughter(and my husband) and listen to her while she's on my lap;) Second, go to our balkong and check my tomato plant.
As what I posted before about my tomato having flower and one fruit already..I was so happy then. I continue nurturing them and now, I'm always excited to see how it goes with them everyday. Counting its fruit so many that its branches can hardly hold. It gives me satisfaction.
Likewise, I also have 2 things to do before I went to sleep. Bringing my baby to sleep by reading her a book on her bed, then when she's asleep, I have to sit first on my computer and do my blogging. I was a little discouraged when my PR-1 went N/A. But my blogger friends said its not important anyway. But I felt it does now when I can already write reviews. But anyway, I can do nothing about it. I just continue blogging, making friends, and express my thoughts in writing. Not only it satisfied my hobby but it also updates and the same way like nurturing it to grow like my tomato.
Then yesterday I was very glad when I check it my google PR came back and no longer 1 but 2. See! everything will grow and will results wonderfully good when we just continue to nurture and continue doing what is best.
18 Aug 2009
U turn
HUMANE award from DAVID

15 Aug 2009
little act of kindness
They are typically like that my husband said. Everything thier government takes control of all the possibilities that can happen and they already ordered it. Like in the train.. there's already a prepared seats for old people and disabled, So you dont have to give your seats. And on the streets.. drivers had to stop to let them pass and the like. They don't easily asks help either. From the young age at school they were teach how to be independent and responsible. They were trained and well educated about thier rights and responsibilities.
But in the other hand, if we continue to give and show every act of kindness that we have, they will be used to it and will love us differently. At work, they appreciate us because of the respect that we showed to them which feels so awkward for them at first but if we continue doing it(filipino values) guaranteed, you will never find it hard to get what you want.
Just continue to show a little act of kindness everyday,to everyone, then you will see it will results so great! always!
14 Aug 2009
You are my SHADES!!!
Here; when she was still quite a baby;)

Summer is fun and beautiful;) gotta wear shades;)She loves to wear shades!
13 Aug 2009
11 Aug 2009
Check this out!!!
It was so boring to just stayed home and doing nothing. Until I tried on something:) I happened made a new site out of my boredom..ahheheh. And I am so satisfied with the result:) My time was not in vain after all!
So guys, please check it out! Its all about my daughter Lara Angelikka.
See you there!!!
9 Aug 2009
Daily household chores
Why is it that after you had done and cleaned up everything it seems there's always new one coming up! huhuhu. Don't get me wrong, Im not complaining, hehe (yes u do,wink*). I'm just trying to say the wonder of our daily living and life as a whole.
I remember my mother told me before when one time I washed the dishes and crying, "you must be thankful while doing it ,that we have plates to wash coz it means that you had eaten something then, while those others just live in the streets and nothing...then blahblah". Well, she was right, It was just so hard for me before cause I was the only girl in the family (aside my mother of course) and I was always assigned in the dishes and heard many times that I must learn those beacause Im a girl. Hmm..typical filipino family teaching. Thank God, washing clothes was not included, we were trained to wash our own clothes.
Well, thats it! thats life! Without those might be boring and abnormal! hehe
Good day! Goodluck for the comings days ahead!
8 Aug 2009
Open up...

7 Aug 2009
Money matters does matter
I feel so sad and disturb early this morning until now;( I can't sleep. I'm pondering. As I thought and tried to remind myself and my family(in Philippines), not to be hooked up with money matters. We grew up with nothing material but love and respect to each other so now that God is blessing us with some, we always try to consider those as just bonus. Its not the real thing, yet its a 'thin ice' that we need to be careful with. But the most important is we, as family should help each other grow and manage all that God entrusted to us. Not to be controlled by it, to be changed by it, to become complicated by it, but rather to be more wise and helpful through it!
But today... sad to say cause it seems everyone forgets.
They fights... we discussed and fights...about the said "just money"
Now... I think, we should face the truth that in this world,
money matters after all.
May the Lord keep an eye on us...
...as we travel through life.
luvs of her lyf;)

Her like her cousin (tisoy also, my aunts son half swed too.) alexander. They love each other and play together..they are on the same age only 3mos gap. They are our pride:)

5 Aug 2009
Its so good to be away from the world's chaos once in a while;) I considered my self as lucky to have families in this foriegn land (two of my aunts also married to a swedish men, one is actually a norwegien but they live here in sweden too.) They already have big children;)
One of my aunts has a summer house in the country;) we visited there last week and it was so good. No cars, no other people around than us, the whole family.Just trees, gentle breeze from the lake, humming of the birds, smells of the meatgrills, our laughing and our children's voices and it felt so wonderful watching them .
Big kids, two girls plays while laikka and alexander were the audience;) Laikka and Xander were so cute on the wooden cart..they had fun together with thier ates pulling and driving them;)
And of course, as typical filipinos... eating time were the best part! Oh.. I love family time! The best time in the best place.
It was like we were in Philippines that day, we laugh, we chat, and we had fun.

When I first recieved an award.. it was from Jenny:) It was so sweet from the beginning when she was the only one giving me awards..hehe. It was because I still have couple of friends that time. But what made this girl so special and very kind? Everytime she recieved awards she always shared it to me no matter if I already have it or not:) Jenny, thanks so much, you are such a good friend and I am lucky to be one of your few;) (here in sweden at least). This is so nice with that butterfly..heheh.
Im sharing this to Sassychicks, IamRN, egat, joemill, jettro, gigie, annalou, jennie, amiz and Rad:)
Grab it guys and share it with your circle of friends until it will come back to me;) Goodluck and Happy blogging!
4 Aug 2009
Lucky Days
Its so wonderful feelings when you have time together with your family and still have a good time together also with friends. And its so amazing when each time is a lucky days. Why I say tha

I wasn't the one winning but I felt more than conquerors! Hahaha. The fact that I was there with them, I can be the one who brings the luck.., isn't it!( lol..feel ko lang ). Anyway... the time together is more important and precious, and having those days are lucky days!
These are the mascots bunny trademark of Liseberg;) they're dancing..heheh
3 Aug 2009
The Garden
As I said in my latest post, we had visited a beautiful garden. Yes, here really is a wonderful place to stay and ponder:) Problems, stress and pressures will be gone, all you will feel and see is the beauty of this very amazing work. This place is quite a wide one and designed creatively. Every part has different style and different kind of flowers. It has all kinds of plants I think..heheh maybe not all but almost!
We were here with my husband and our little girl, she walk all around from plants to plants while we just sit and talk a while. Just reminiscing the beauty of life, our life heheh as beautiful as the flowers in that garden! Oooh what a nice time that was!
2 Aug 2009
Finally meets tht Lion King;)
I was so excited, the fact that I'm already dreaming of Mr. Lion to see him personally..hehe. But on the thursday p
But I was so amazed because there was so many people there also inspite of the rain! We had no regrets at all. There, I saw many different kinds of animals big and small. Some I already seen them but many that I just seen them that day. Like the giraffe, zebra, elephant, tiger, bears,wolves and of course the lion. Many wondered why I didnt seen them yet..hehe, maybe I did but not as I remember. Now I can't forget that day anym
It was not so good weather, but me and my husband and my little girl were so happy that we made it. We talked on the way home, if we did not went there because of the rain.. we just stayed home bored and lost that beautiful day and nice time together.
Sometimes, its like that. There are situations that looks bad but at the end of the day, we can thank and appreciate the move we did.

1 Aug 2009
little miss messy
Today's topic and my first topic in Mommy Moments is about our kid's messes..kid's cuteness in other words heheh.