24 Dec 2011
Behind Story of 12days of Christmas song!
"There is one Christmas Carol that has always baffled me. What in the world do leaping lords, French hens, swimming swans, and especially the partridge who won't come out of the pear tree have to do with Christmas?"
This week, I found out.
From 1558 until 1829, The Chruch of England were not permitted to practice their faith openly. Someone during that era wrote this carol as a catechism song for young Catholics. It has two levels of meaning: the surface meaning plus a hidden meaning known only to members of their church. Each element in the carol has a code word for a religious reality which the children could remember.
- The partridge in a pear tree was Jesus Christ.
- Two turtle doves were the Old and New Testaments.
- Three French hens stood for Faith, Hope and Love.-
- The four calling birds were the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke & John.
- The five golden rings recalled the Torah or Law, the first five books of the Old Testament.
- The six geese a-laying stood for the six days of Creation.
- Seven swans a-swimming represented the sevenfold Gifts of the Holy Spirit--Prophesy, Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Contrition, Leadership, and Mercy.
- The eight maids a-milking were the eight Beatitudes.
- Nine ladies dancing were the nine Fruits of the Holy Spirit--Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control.
- The ten lords a-leaping were the Ten Commandments.
- The eleven pipers piping stood for the eleven faithful disciples.
- The twelve drummers drumming symbolized the twelve points of belief in the Apostles' Creed.
Merry Christmas to all!!!
11 Dec 2011
Good Food!
25 Nov 2011
Distance Between
The same with our relationship with the Lord. We know he is saying something important, but when it's hard for us to understand, it means we are far from him. I've been experiencing it many times and now seems I did it again! Many confusions and questions that might have an answer already yet I didn't get it since I'm already far from Him. I am thankful though cause he keeps on reminding me and giving me awareness that says, "hey my child, watch your distance between you an me". So, you will be guided as much as possible! The secret is keep your distance right!
Have a great weekend!
15 Nov 2011
Dream Big Dreams!

5 Nov 2011
The Princess and the Porridge!

Because the man was so hungry, his attention was focus on the porridge, he even barely noticed the princess. And when the king asked; " What or who you want, the porridge or the princess. He answered, by choosing the porridge because he thought , he is dying and his stomach needs the food that time or else he'll die. He did not think that if he chose the princess, automatically he will also get the porridge because she owns and did that porridge. The king in frustration gave him the porridge and kick him out after.
We sometimes miss the most valuable thing in life by our wrong choices. And it is when we only think on how pitty we are in the moment, forgetting the reason why we are here in such situation. "DO NOT TRADE YOUR PRINCESS FROM A PORRIDGE!"
(picture from google)
27 Oct 2011
Autumn Again!

But then I was so blessed this morning on my little girl's perspective, I mean on how she see things around! She asked me if it's autumn already and so I asked why she asked? And then she said; Look! the leaves are already falling and the trees has it's different colors already. There's red, yellow, pink! And then she added, so beautiful isn't it mamma? And so I just say yes they are indeed beautiful! Then she said, soon it will be winter, like she say it with enthusiasm, finally I can ride my sled again!
I am so proud of her not only that she knows the different kinds of season we have here but also on how she sees things around! She has a positive outlook on every changes that is happening! Yes, why not think like this girl thinks? To see the beauty and how colorful the sorroundings and to enjoy the things we can do times like these, instead of complaining how cold and boring the day is! Have a lovely autumn everyone!

25 Oct 2011
Using Net10 Unlimited plan!
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Net10 for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
Are you using Net10 unlimited plan? If not yet, I think it would be good to try this one . I just finished talking with my dear college classmate and room mate when we were still in Philippines and its so good to hear that she's now working in US and successful. I'm amazed she called me and she's a Real NET10 customer too. She shared how convenience it is, no contracts, no surprise bills, and its unlimited texts or calls for only $50 per month. And when we talk? the line is so clear and really have a great coverage to Asia or here in Europe, we got no problem!
What Rob has to say about this? Check out how this work. Net10 only uses trusted phone manufacturers like Nokia, Samsung, LG, Kyocera and Motorola. Cheaper but you can get what you need! Using this also is best to either our everyday life or on our business. They offer different plans that suits your lifestyle. Easy minute plans, weekly plans, monthly plans yes all unlimited! We can listen what this Real NET10 customer 's testimony on how helpful Net10 to him. Think that these plans they have can be purchased anywhere, online , nearby store, even direct from your phone! How great is that! Accessibility is very important nowadays!
You also can check them out in Facebook and Twitter.
Here you also can check out this video on What Rob has to say about this unlimited plans;
24 Oct 2011
Real Taste!
In the same way, there are things in life that is better to leave as it is simply the original than putting or adding things for flavors or enhancement..in the end, it will just complicate the real taste and the real one! Live simply, Be true!
21 Oct 2011
New Android Phones!
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Straight Talk for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
How good it would be to feel richer after those hard times carrying a burden of phone bills . Who would not love to be free from expensive monthly phone bills right? Why not try and Feel Richer with Android phones wherein only $45/month with unlimited calls. A smart phones with a smart plans and as I've said no contracts. All apps and games you need and wants are present. That's The power of Android phones! name it you have it..all!
The best thing in using Straight Talk in long distance calls is that they have the best price ever! I mean half the usual price we are paying every month would give us a big savings at the end of the year! No contracts, no surprise bills and no credit checks. With unlimited calls and service you will really feel richer with their new Feel Richer with Android promo. They only uses trusted phones like Nokia, Samsung, LG, Motorola and more . The connection? wow! The best in long distance call, great coverage nationwide!
There's one more that I love the most, with $499 only per year, isn't it great? We can have the unlimited calls, text, games whole year round! How was that? Yes, The power of Android is working amazingly! So what are you waiting for? Feel Richer with Android now if you haven't experiencing it yet! Many testimonies from different costumers you can see in the video below. Watch and hear how they exactly feel to save much money from switching to Straight Talk.
Heres a great talks on how these costumers Feel Richer with Android ! Enjoy!
17 Oct 2011
Keep Us away from harm!
News here and there, from television, newspaper, radio or internet , there are always bad news and catastrophe! That are general! But personally, I can feel and understand what the Bible advised to us people, to watch and pray for the days are evil.
Our family is experiencing life's crises nowadays, here and there. Many times, it really affects me so much that I can not hold my anger and feelings to somehow poured it out! But then, the evils are so fast. They are in the form of our friends sometimes, trying to judge and point out that what we are doing or saying is not good. Yes, they do not know the real situation thats why, and they are mixing our problems from their own problems..haha! but true friends can just shut their mouth up and lend their ears instead. No further questions, no comments. Thats what I need times like this.
But I know, all of these could happen to remind us, to watch and pray to let God keep us away from all harm and to trust only Him. This is my very prayer now. I've been already in many situation before and I can say from this moment on.. " there is no hopeless case in prayer"! This is the best way in helping me relax and still live happily and makes everyday beautiful inspite of all evilness around!
Dear Lord, Keep Us Away from Harm!In Jesus Name!
15 Oct 2011
Web Conferencing, Anywhere, Anytime!
In connection to this, there's more that can be done also nowadays by just sitting down with your laptops or phones in your hand. Have you tried Web conferencing wherein, we can share our thoughts and ideas anywhere and anytime? I have heard and saw on television and even on movies like a classroom with a teacher but no students there in physical but actually he have so many students present on that time. They're on the web, everyone are on their respective places somewhere but they interact and communicate with each other through the web. The same way with conferencing. You can share what you have in mind by being in this web group of people online!You can select different good kinds of Audio conferencing products from their suite.
I am really amazed how like these things can be very possible and even working out well nowadays! I thought, these things like Audio conference, were just an imagination, a fantacy but then its already a reality. Well, if you have good ideas to show off and to share, join the group now and spread your ideas all around the world. You need not a ticket to fly to different places, it can be done by just sitting down wherever you are! Meeting new friends and sharing thoughts to whatever race there maybe!I'm sure it would be fun, not only we can learn from each other but also we can make things happen in this way! Goodluck and have a nice time !
14 Oct 2011
Mr. Storms!
In the other hand, lots of people now also experiencing 'storms in life'. Problems,trials and temptations, loss of loveones, relationship crises, economic hardships, when all comes one in the same time, it feels like we can never get up again!
But then as it is being known, storms is not permanent. It always have an end. And the good thing is, every after storms the sun shines. It portrays, new bright day, new bright life and a new hope! I'm just wishing everyone whatever storms you are in, don't let that Mr. Storms ruin you in knock down. He was programmed though strong but not permanent . Get up and embrace the new day! Godbless!
9 Oct 2011
Serious Violation!
In the same way with our life. We are sometimes so busy attending the life of others. Amused or disturbed by their ways of living forgetting that 'we' ourselves, even how brand new and nice and perfect we can look, we have our own life or lights that suppose to be 'on' or work on! Have a blessed sunday everyone!
30 Sept 2011
A lesson from a poisonous swamp!

There were white, red, orange/yellow, brown and in different unique shapes! It's beauties captures the eyes and it gíves colors to the forest. But behind it's beauty, its a poisonous ones!
Same thing in our life's journey. There are many things along our way thats captivating and tempting and makes us many times to stop and look and touch and be stuck on it. We should watch out because some of them are poisonous, dangerous, can ruin lives and even kills!
Have a great weekend everyone!
28 Sept 2011
Great Tips from TRESemme Shampoo!
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of TRESemmé for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
I have a long hair and I'm loving it as well as my husband likes it on me! And I know many of you have long hair and have the same problem as I have. And that is when our dear hair starts to dry. And that's why I'm happy knowing this great tips from TRESemmé Fresh Start Dry Shampoo. You too can take a look by these tips on how to use properly for a great results;
* Do shake vigorously before use and in between spray burst, for best result.
* Do lift sections of dry hair and spray lightly at roots.
* Do spray in short bursts, holding 8-12 inches from head.
* Don't spray it like hair spray (all over and continuously)
* Do leave in for 1-2 minutes.
* Do use fingertips or a brush to distribute product evenly.
* If clogging occurs, remove nozzle and rinse the nozzle under warm water, then reattach.
Well, that's it! TRESemme Fresh Start Dry Shampoo is a complete line of dry shampoos that revive your styles and look, uniquely formulated to absorb excess oil and remove odor. With a renewing burst of citrus extracts infused into every product, it leaves hair with a clean, fresh scent!
Here are the full line on this shampoo; Strengthening Dry Shampoo, which has B12 vitamins and keratin, that helps strengthen hair and leave it full of healthy body. Another one is the Volumizing Dry Shampoo with mineral clay and citrus and removes oil while injecting hair with salon- gorgeous volume. Then the Smoothing Dry Shampoo that has vitamin H and Silk Proteins, refreshes your straight style. And last but not the least is the Moisturizing Waterless Foam Shampoo which formulas includes Witch Hazel, citrus and aloe vera.
You also can check out this video by Beauty Youtuber. She teamed up with TRESemme and create a tutorial on how to use this product properly. She is also giving away $500 gift card to a lucky viewer! Check now and win!
Be beautiful, take care of your hair!
27 Sept 2011
Making Things Happen!
But in the other hand; how about thinking, what if I succeed? what if it turns out good and what if I can make my life back to normal if I will make things happen! I might be never the same but a will become a new better person!
I like the tag line that says; Plan your work, work your plan! Life is full of mystery. We don't know what can happen next but we were given a choice; To stay where you are and continue to live in insanity and trouble? Or to make a step, going forward, little by little, making things happen! It might be scary and hard or takes time, but all we need to do is start doing. It doesn't make sense when you are just full of plans, want something you might become somehow but afraid and so coward to face the challenges of life that in some area we were the one making it! Time is running out, its already time to work out our plan and face the fact! Everthing starts with a step, a simple step to walk a mile!
We can surely make things happen! All we need to do is a courage to take the first step! Have a great day everyone! MAKE THINGS HAPPEN, BLOW NEGATIVITY AWAY!
21 Sept 2011
White Statues!

13 Sept 2011
My father's eyes!
11 Sept 2011
Straight Talk to family and friends!
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Straight Talk for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
It feels good when you can talk to our love ones in the phone as long as you want it without worrying about the cost. It has been my problem every time I Call a friend or my family , we have to rush out! But with Straight Talk you will feel richer by just paying half the usual price . I mean by switching to Straight Talk we can save half of our cell phones bills, how great is that! Everything you need you can get without any contract, surprise bills and even no credit checks.
Since I live a miles away from home, I always uses long distance calls, and this is all I need, great nationwide coverage and excellent reception. Another thing is Straight Talk only uses trusted phone manufacturers like LG, Motorola , Nokia and Samsung. They also have flexible International prepaid calling services. And with unlimited plan monthly with only $45, come on, calls, texts, picture messaging limitless! this is amazing! You can join their Hook, line and sinker and win thousands of dollars. What are we waiting for? Todo lo que necesitas , switch now and save money while enjoying the time talking to our friends and families across the miles!
I am a bit excited because just lately, I've talk to a friend about this and he shares about Hook, line and sinker that's going on and it feels great when I myself is now into it. You can check more on different testimonies on videos.
5 Sept 2011
The black atache case revealed!

Many wonders whats inside in it , why makes me a real housewife:) hehhe. They have many guesses like, a make up kit?, a jewelry box? ( wow, so big if it is) a keeper of important documents? Well, none of the above because its an utensils set and so chic and in good quality.

I think its a clever idea of a gift from the head of the family to his better half which he thinks the best housekeeper in their world:) I so love it personally. It's like I'm already in the next level of womanhood! Thank you darling!
This will be my entry for

30 Aug 2011
There are many ways of communicating someone or anyone nowadays. Besides from talking as the most basic one either upfront or through telephones, or broadband, we also can communicate each other through writing and these special social networks like facebook, twitter are the most popular as way of communicating the world today:) but then sad but true, the tendency of miscommunication is so there.
One important rule of talking to someone that I like is " I talk you listen, you talk I listen", by this there should be a good communication that can happen. We were given one mouth and two ears so we will listen more and talk less. How important communication is? Very much that it rule the world, even our world today. So, be a good communicator- it doesn't mean for you to be good talker, instead a good listener and analyzing what the message tells would be appropriate.
Have a great day!
10 Aug 2011
To blog or not to blog!
I was thinking then to have a vacation in blogging too since I will have no time and I should give my full time to my family specially to my hubby. He don't want me to blog these days but also during these days will have many things to blog since there are many activities. Hmm..I am now undecided, to blog or not to blog? What do you think guys?
28 Jul 2011
TOP 10 Emerging Influential Blogs 2001 Writing Projects!
I can say, destiny brings me home. So even if how hard it might seems, I learned so fast and acquire informations and friends from different bloggers and blogs. This blog Insights was my first blog and as the title tells ; its purely my humble thoughts and my honest insights on everything were all I had in mind the time I started year 2008. I never thought there are more to think about and I can do.
Blogging is my way out of stress and pressures, unspoken words, and a great help on my writing ability or shall I say it fills my love in writing. And so I am joining the Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs 2011 Writing Project to express my gratitude to those blogs and bloggers that helped me consciously and unconsciously in becoming a good blogger. I appreciate this idea of Ms. Janette Toral, who started this project so fantastic!

This writing project will not be possible without the support of sponsors such as Cyber Monday Deals, TRIbeca Private Residences, How To Videos, Palawan Beaches for Sale,Green and Natural Lubes Philippines, Philippine data center, Philippine online shopping, Singapore Jobs, Pinoy Party Food, Apartment for rent, and Best deals tips.
My Top 10 Emerging Influential Blogs are the following:
1. http://www.momwrites.com/
This mommy writer of this blog influenced me a lot and to many bloggers I know. This blog expresses wonderful thoughts and positive outlook in life on things and situation even how blurd it seems.
2. http://www.notepadcorner.com/
I love the ideas and simple thoughts this blog gave me. The blogger is versatile enough in expressing interesting things in our day to day living!
3. http://mommysurvival.info
A touching and an encouraging blogs of a mother surviving the great tests in life! The daily simple tips of motherhood direct from her experiences are so helpful for a mother like me.
4. http://thebloggersjournal.com/
This site helps me the hows and whys in blogging. Tutorial are simple and easy to follow. I really appreciates bloggers who shares their knowledge and am one of the lucky partakers.
5. http://www.levyousa.com/
Oh I love how great ideas the bloggers shares here. When you are down and feels bad?, visit here where your spirit be lifted up!
6. http://www.certifiedfoodies.com/
I simply loves food and I love how the author deliverate and shares their talent in terms of cooking and sharing different kinds of foodies!
7. http://www.mygreenlivingideas.com
I love nature the most. I salute the author of this blog for looking and taking importance on green living which is about our mother nature!
8. http://www.totteringmama.com
She/It speaks about families, parenting, married life how can one snab all informative and useful ideas about light and life!
9. http://pepperrific.com
So exciting reading its blog about single parenting. We can learn and be encouraged by a life seems incomplete but it works well!
10. http://www.mypaintedlips.com/
I live with lipsticks in my pocket because I have a pale lips. I like this idea here about things that helps beautify our lips! I was actually thinking about this title before but I found out its here already!The blogger or writer has a fantastic ideas.
You too can join this project by giving your 10 nominees and even win $100. Check more!
22 Jul 2011
Tears are a language!
Every morning lately when I wake up , I can't control, tears just running out through my eyes. Then if my daughter see it, she'll ask; why are you sad mama? Hmm..does it mean that my tears read as sadness? Well, I believe that tears indeed are a language though it is read differently to different concerns.
One thing for sure, my tears are always heard by someone up there. And He always answered by the way it meant and He wipes away all my tears always at the right time. And I know that every tears that runs or fall down from eyes has a price and its a heavy price!Thays why I'm not afraid to cry:I
Have a great weekend everyone!
12 Jul 2011
Childhood Frustrations!
Then I am not alone:) I have so many childhood frustrations that I am now filling in through my children. I want them to have what I haven't before. From the simple stufftoys to the places I wanted to be and now I want them to experience those.
I have no regrets about it because I understand it so well. Instead those frustrations became one of my encourager or guide why I become what I am now! Now the question is; is it unfair to our kids applying to them what we want instead of letting them have the things they personally wants? Any disadvantagse and advantages? I just came to ponder upon about this because my kids are already growing and already shows what they wants. They already have decisions which woke me up that I want them to like what I like..hahah which is not good:( But in the other hand, the fact that they can have now and can be what they want it to be! That's a blessing!
6 Jul 2011
Freedom, Stillness, and Innocence!

Looking at the bird flying with open wings portrayed freedom and something to ponder upon that we can fly high even if alone!

The stillness of water and the soroundings makes me feel calm and peaceful, make me feel He is there! I want my soul to rejoice His goodness!

Like a child in His eyes, no grievances, innocent and dependent! God make me one, keep me always in your care and let peace and freedom works with in me!
4 Jul 2011
In making decisions!
Decision making can be regarded as the mental processes that every normal individual have. But what are the things you will consider in making decisions? We have so many things to consider that make it hard to decide. Everyone has their own way that works for them on the particular situations.
29 Jun 2011
In Times...
I love you
it was then
Sounds familiar??? you got it! yes! these are taken from the famous "FOOTPRINTS IN THE SAND" piece. Im so amaze on this simple story. Infact, there was once... along my life's journey, time when I got burdens so heavy, when my life was in the dark and miserable, when I experienced as if the world falls down on me, when it felt no one cares at all, everything was doomed and senseless! I was so down and all I saw was darkness!
Then out from nowhere.., came the song 'footprints in the sand'. Narration said; " My child.. my precious child..." as the narration continues, my closed mind opened up! my disturbed mind went arranged suddenly! It seemed my heart crumpled and I forgot where I was, I cried like a baby.., like a child sobbing on her father's shoulder, word for word from the song continued hitting me. Then I realized, I was on the public jeepney:) people/commuters looked at me, different reactions; some pitiful, some sarcastic, but I didnt cared anyway as far as I remember, I continued crying my burdens out! It was really great!That moment lightened up everything in me!
Yes! its true! we believe that theres always someone with us, besides us, and if its shown in a footprints, there should be two sets of footprints, one belongs to you and the other to that someone and it feels great!And we believe he'll walk with us all the way. But In times of troubles, when we needed them the most, and we'll see only one set of footprints, what will you feel??? Of course fears and disappointments because we will think we are alone, we'll think only our footprints remains... but then when we go back to the story... it actually states that its not our footprints that we saw...

"The Lord said... during your times of trials and sufferings... and you see only one sets of footprints, it was then... that I CARRIED YOU!"
26 Jun 2011
Chic Black Lampshade!

23 Jun 2011
Big Brother he is!

Health help for families!
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Walgreens for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
When we were in Philippines with my family last year, I got an eye irritation right after two days from arrival which I thought or many said it was sore eyes because of the red effect on my eyes. But in some friend's perspective, it was just an eye irritation because of the travel and the dusty road we have been through. I became worried when in the next day my daughter got the same too. I was not aware about it but luckily my friend from US who also went home for Christmas lend us her secret. She handed me Walgreens original Eye Drops which she had it all the way from US. She said she used to bring medicines when traveling in cases like this.
The result was amazing. I felt better right away from the first drop then just in two days it was gone. I haven't tried it until that time! Walgreens Brand Health & Wellness Products are a great value, allowing families to save without sacrificing the quality and trusts. With the rising costs of health care, saving money on over the counter medications can really benefits a family budgets. And in addition to that, Walgreens Brand Health & Wellness Products also have a 100% satisfaction guarantee, tested and tried! Knowing that purchased of every Walgreens Brand Health and Wellness Products supports bring preventive wellness services to local communities through the Walgreens Way to Well Fund™.
I was really thankful to my friend for sharing that. It's easy to have it anyway by just checking them online. I even found out that they have lots more to offer. In fact there are giveaways going on wherein several bloggers are giving away some Walgreens Gift Cards. Hurry and check them out at
21 Jun 2011
White hair:)

17 Jun 2011
CC; hubby as a FATHER!

He's a happy one being a father. He has no regrets but so proud father! He is so cool in handling them. Even if he's tired from work but taking care of them is not a problem. I really have a luck having him as the father of my children! I can't ask for more!

14 Jun 2011
Inevitable situations!
It's quite depressing and discouraging but its not good to cry over spilled milk. All we have to do is face it and learned from it. So next time we will be far more better to watch out as to not land in situations that are inevitable. Regrets are not good to let them stay within us. We may have it but it can be released and move on:) Good day and Godbless!
8 Jun 2011
CC: Hubby as a SON!
Oh, well, he's great! and I say his mother is so lucky and so proud to have him. And of course his father as well. Though his parent's live separate lives but both are in good relationship as well as him towards them. I can't call them broken family, instead they become one big family.

Being a son he so helpful and really kept the relationship close to his both parents as much as possible. What else could I say than being so proud about him. Inspite of circumstances HE chose to be a good son! And because he's a good son, he's a best father as well:) Happy CC!
6 Jun 2011
Giant Black Parasol!

4 Jun 2011
Series of getaways!
This made me think and worried about for the next couple of months to come. We will have our vacation time, will I be able to still blog specially when we will be busy going out of the country vacationing? Wish me luck! Have a great weekend everyone!
31 May 2011
Black coffe cups!
28 May 2011
Income and Expenses!
We are really trying to save these days since we have so much plan and only my husband is working since I'm on leave plus summer is coming. Everytime salary came, I noticed it don't make a difference in our saving whether its much or little. Why because psychologically, when we got little more for the month we tend to spend a little more also and during those month that he only got little, we survived and still saved the same anyway. Yes, because we also hold only on what we have.
So, to avoid drowning your budget, and headaches, stay and spend wisely. Don't spend more than what you get. And avoid borrowing too:)wink*
26 May 2011
CC: Me as a sister/friend!

24 May 2011
Unique Birth Announcements, Birthday Invites, and Christmas Cards