We kept it in silent first because we knew Jenny want to have one too..hheeh (uniform )but she's a Swedish size hahahah... what I have is the biggest so we waited until today at Shy's 'dispedida' party so we can explain;) And as we thought heheh Jenny really asked where we bought it with a sigh..and emote:*hehe We told her
30 Nov 2009
ME and my BLOG:)
We kept it in silent first because we knew Jenny want to have one too..hheeh (uniform )but she's a Swedish size hahahah... what I have is the biggest so we waited until today at Shy's 'dispedida' party so we can explain;) And as we thought heheh Jenny really asked where we bought it with a sigh..and emote:*hehe We told her
29 Nov 2009
Stomach full weekend!!!
28 Nov 2009
Christmas Tree!
Christmas tree is a typical christmas decoration around the globe! At home, at stores, at schools, even on special places like in the middle of the city..heheh, recreation places and the like!
Also, there are even different contests of the brightest, unique, or biggest christmas tree in town:) In Philippines, we usually put it up earlier, like end of October or early November. But since the time I lived here in Sweden, we never had a christmas tree at home:( Because we just had a small place and no space for it! I always begged my husband to have one even a small one but he just promised that we can have it when we can transfer to a bigger place. And now that we have atleast little bigger than before, I started bagging him about it;) hmm.. he didn't answer a 'yes' yet but his smile speaks a lot! One of these days, I hope we can have one:)
27 Nov 2009

This scenario is absolutely förbidden here in Sweden:) You can never see like this here, but this is so common in Philippines specially in the provinces! Those people there are just mere workers, students, children, houswives! Do you think they have life insurances or even self protections or any safety device??? 98% nothing! But as you can see, there's no worry and fear on thier faces. All I can see is just contentment and a happy individuals.
Hmmm...miss Philippines!!!
26 Nov 2009
Signs and Wonders:)
On monday morning, I woke up early to cook fried rice for my husband's lunchbox. When I sliced the red pepper, I was amazed what I saw inside!
Wow! What all these signs means? Oh..I felt it won't be long God will grant my prayers! Maybe many of you already find it common but for me, just experienced to see it personally.
25 Nov 2009
Couple's Corner #7- Misunderstanding???

24 Nov 2009
Holiday Parties!

23 Nov 2009
So much to be thankful for!!!

22 Nov 2009
Soup Again;)
21 Nov 2009
A nice present from EGYPT!
20 Nov 2009
Yummy moments on Mommy Moments!
One monday night, I brought a bag of candies home. I got it from a friend for Angelikka. So when I came home I showed her that candies and chocolates explaining, she can eat it on saturday. She understand and even told her pappa about it that she will eat it not until friday! But then thursday, she was so silent on her room, while we were busy on our computer. Then after a couple of hours she went out crying and asking forgiveness, so I wonder what happened then she told me that she ate some of those chocolates:)hehe!
Anyway, here are some 'yummy pics of her:)

Happy Mommy Moments everyone!
19 Nov 2009
ADs?... in Filipino???
Ha,ha,ha! I was still dizzy, closed my eyes again, then kind of cleaning it so I can see clearly! And when I open my eyes again..its really there! So I get my camera and took a shot on it! So I will know that I was not dreaming:)
It's quite unusual to see ads written in filipino here in Sweden, as far as I can remember, this is my first time for my almost 4years here to see one! Hmmp, I thought I was in Philippines! Huh, Are these things a sign that I already miss Philippines badly??? Oh well..!
17 Nov 2009
First Year of Marriage... CC # 6 of Tejan

Happy Time, Good Time!

So, today, because I was so busy last weekend,( not at home), we got a chance to talk and she shared some of their pictures there:) It really seems that they had lots of fun:) And of course, as happy as can be:) My brother's family were there and our younger brother and his fiancee, my mother's only sister's family and children! Huh! I miss the time but I'm so happy for them!

(they don't wear bathing suits:) against their beliefs! hahaha, conservative, kind of!)
15 Nov 2009
One Night in Philippines:)
All financial gathered are for the benefits of our "kababayan" who were victims of different calamities in Philippines! We believe that helps must not end after a month after the tragedy. The survival everyday are the worst one! So..our prayers and financial support must be continuous! It was actually so little compared to what we have here, but then, something is something!
The longest queue I never seen before!!!
She loves her hello kitty things:) We already bought her wish for her birthday two weeks from now! Hmmm what a day! A blessed Sunday everyone!
13 Nov 2009
Mommy Moments- Sporty days

Well, I love sports:) I do play when I was in my "good days"..hehe but now that many things
She loves to bike around our apartment down to the football'splan at the back of our place:) And she loves to just play, run and hop around the plaza! And even kick that ball, hehe- i can't find her pics on it:) Happy MM!